I'm gamed...added.
It could be lots of fun...
I try to roleplay to pass the time when I can. I have done sexual fetish roleplays before, but not as often as more standard "fandom" stuff or just plain fantasy stuff. So I think I could hold my ground on any level of story telling.
When it comes to inflation and other expansions, I'm open to almost anything. If it doesn't work it doesn't work.
In that respect though, I prefer to be the inflatee and popping is greatly appreciated.
You can find me at... inflatable_gal@yahoo.com
Added on YIM, looking forward to hearing from you :O
Sounds intressting, I'll add you on YIM :)
If you don't mind RP-ing with girls, I'll add ya!
I added you but you never seem to be on :(
She never is, O-Zone. Maybe she's only online for those she -really- likes, or something. Hey, i'm on invisible at times too, but I try and give people a heads-up about it.
Somehow I have you all in my contact list, and you are always offline :(
I am very interested! Added you to my yahoo.
There is absolutely no such thing as too big ;)