TV Documentary Program interested in Inflation

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TV Documentary Program interested in Inflation

Hi! I am casting for a TV documentary program and am wondering if there is anyone who would be interested in sharing their stories about inflation.  Ideally, I am looking for someone with experience with inflation but finds that it is not just a sexual experience and that it has become more prominent in their life.  If you are interested in talking or have any questions, please email me at

Thank you so much.  I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate you sharing your story.


doubleintegral's picture

Like hell.

MixMaster (not verified)

Well that's not very nice...

doubleintegral's picture

My first post was a link; you should click it.  IF this is for real, it's likely that those who participate are going to be shown in a negative light.


I gotta agree. If this was real, it would most likely be in a niegative light. And besides, most people who isn't into body inflation would laugh of this anyway. I'm not trowing my self out there.


Actually, if people laugh it would be big a turn on for me. I love it when other people think it's funny. Not if they think it's stupid or think I would like fat people or something.


I don't actually care about people laughing but after the confusion of Bodyshockers i don't really want to be messed about, so not this time.


deleted_20180328 (not verified)

What happened in Bodyshockers?


I was thinking about being on the show, but I had to tell this person that I could only do it if I were to be anonymous. I don't want my family, friends, and anyone who knows me, especially the girl that I like, to know about my inflation fetish right now. I would like to wait for the right time. Also, I told her that I don't think anyone in the community would be interested to racially discriminated or being laughed at, or being called freaks, perverts, or worse. Also, I don't want to be placed back into a mental institution for telling my fetishes again.


i don't ever trust the media, ever

airtankgirl5's picture

I just see no virtue to this at all, and that's why I do not participate in such things.  But that's me.


I agree with everyone on saying to not trust the media. Like I said I was interested in giving it a try because I felt like this would help me with knowing more and more about film business since I am minoring in film in college and I want to know more on how to work in the film industry. But the reason that I didn't is because I don't want my family, friends, girl that I like, and anyone who knows me to think of me as a sick, twisted, psychopathic, perverted, monster/freak which I have been called that numerous occasions, and I don't want to be sent back into a mental institution. So, I have been trying to stand up for everyone in the inflation community by telling this person in a nice way that we as a community don't want to be discriminated and laughed at for being different, and we would like to stay anonymous for the our safety and the safety of what is happening in our lives whether it is family, friends, a career, and even your name. Maybe everyone on here was the cool kid in high school or is still in high school and looked as the cool kid.  I don't know.

MixMaster (not verified)

Christ dude, where do they send you to a mental institute for having a sexual fetish?


well it was an inpatient medical hospital where teens that have problems and weird sexual fetishes go. Let's just say it was a really awful time.


Hate to go off topic, but ... jeez, that sounds as bad as hetero-therapy ... I had no idea such a thing even existed.


Ya. If people think that there is some thing wrong with you then it's like they need to like figure out a way to get you normal. It was rough for me. But I got through it.


People are weird like that. My dad flipped shit and tried to do the same thing when he found out about my sexual tastes. Luckily my mother was the sane one, and boiled it down to weeks of therapy. And I thought I was the weird one.

HERP DERPIN since 1989


"Why yes, I will cheerfully be recorded answering all sorts of intensely personal questions about myself and let you edit the final product in any way you see fit to get the highest ratings possible.  Not only that, I trust you to pixelate or otherwise conceal my face at my request."


Then again, maybe not.



I rarely trust anyone that has a business email address that ends in

Can you not afford the $10 a year for a professional looking addy?

And no, not even slightly interested in being exploited by a production company.

MixMaster (not verified)


Good policy to have.


I've done things on other subjects which i expected to be exploited and it's true they were given a very sensational spin but i still saw it as worthwhile because people would become aware of others like them out there and that could transcend the spin.  Therefore, i still think it's valuable.  However, having been messed about by the Bodyshockers people, i don't want to go there this time.  Other projects like this in which i've been involved have involved some mutual flexibility, but they didn't seem to treat their material, i.e. me, with enough respect before they did whatever they were going to do with the footage, so it wasn't practical to work with them what with me having a life and all.  I don't care about respect afterwards - just see it as inevitable that they'll take the pee but that it will also make a few people feel less alone.


Regarding the idea of being in a mental hospital because of all this, you have my sympathy.  I was very cautious at that age, and that may have been just as well.  It would probably be about as successful as the "ex-gay" farce though.



The reason why this production company wants one of us to tell our stories about our fetish is and this is coming from the person who I have been talking to, "We are interested in telling someone's story of body inflation because it is a habit that not everyone has or knows about." That's their answer to the reason why they want one of us to be on the show. I am not bashing or angry at them, so please don't think I am trying to start a riot or some thing. I just wanted to point that out to everyone.


Dude, you're playing with fire and may not even know it. unless u have FULL control of this event, that media person can twist and distort everything you say (and more often than not, they do).  i wouldn't get involved unless you're truely ready to accept the consequences. i'll quietly remain wrapped in my cozy blankey of anonymity thank you!


I understand and I know it. And I would like to also stay anonymous as well thank you very much! Besides I didn't do it and I am not doing it.


nineteenthly, if such sensational interviews have any value I think it is probably far less than all the value people get from sites like this one and from all the artists, writers, Youtubers, and others putting out content for others to enjoy.  I was once quoted in a book about fetishes called Deviant Desires, which wasn't harsh toward any of the fetishes, yet I've never had anyone tell me they found out about the fetish through that book--but to this day I'm still meeting new people who tell me they found out they weren't alone when they discovered my old website over 10 years ago.

It seems like people doing their own thing on their own terms on the internet is the best way to get their message out, not relying on a TV show to deliver your message for you.


I first found out that i wasn't alone from a message scrawled on a toilet wall about inflating Princess Di!  Yes, i probably agree with you.  The situation is probably a bit different than the previous one.



Congratulations.  You officially have the most unique origin/introduction story I have ever heard.


That was how i discovered i wasn't alone, not how i discovered i was into this! The way i found i was into this was when, in my school playground, i noticed some girls playing a game that one of them was being inflated by a blood transfusion and found it strangely intriguing.

Concerning Bodyshockers, the last i heard was that they'd done all the filming. I think they found someone off YouTube but i don't know if they're here as well. Probably they didn't find what i do visually appealing or spectacular enough - i did tell them i wasn't likely to be good TV material.



Haha, that's what I meant, but my original words still stand, can't say I've ever seen or heard the blood transfusion thing anywhere else XD

(and I'm not laughing at you, I swear, I just think it's funny what sets us all off sometimes...)


No, it's odd though, isn't it?  I mean, obviously it's physiologically impossible but nobody even does that in fantasy.  I sometimes wonder if there's a woman of about my age still living in my home village who's an inflation fetishist.



Probably ... some of the reactions I've gotten from bringing this up to people I met in a somewhat more vanilla environment (though still sex-based, true) implies that this is a somewhat more rational interest than it would appear.  Apparently some people just haven't ever thought of it.

Inflate123's picture

Some years ago the Daily Show (Kilborn era) made contact, looking to do a segment. I said "I'm a big fan of the show and I realize this all looks a bit silly, so sure -- what would you like to discuss?" And they never wrote back. They lost interest the moment I made it clear we would be in on the joke; if they couldn't be cruel, they couldn't be bothered.

I do think some attention can be positive -- we've had nice treatment at the hands of a few online columnists in the early days, plus Katherine Gates approached us from a respectful, anthropoligical perspective for her Deviant Desires book -- and yes, that can lead to new people saying "oh, thank god I found you people, I thought it was just me." But now that anybody who wants to find us can Google a few key words and find kindred spirits in earnest, I see more risk than reward when the media comes calling. 

Anybody can go to YouTube and make fun of us without our involvement. So if you want us to participate, I wind up asking myself, "What's in it for us? How will the community benefit from this?" And I never seem to come up with a good answer. 

Fleetingsanity's picture

Ya most of these shows are generally going for shock vlaue so I doubt I would ever agree to doing something on national tv. Not unless I had like a signed contract that stated that I would have the final say in if the segment goes on the air or not and that would never happen so I guess what I'm saying is I would never do anything on tv lol. And besides what most people are saying here is true if you're really into inflation in this day and age it's a joke to find other people into it google and boom you've found people. I don't think tv exposure is going to do anything for the expansion community besides putting us in a bad light.

Falcon Pawnch!


My guess is that the show will just try to take something that has a mild fetish value for some and (no pun intended) blow it up into a 'look at the freaks' side show. 

Yes, it's a weird fetish, but the version that will be shown will be akin to a crazy rubber suit wearing lunatic wanting to marry an air tank.

Avoid this show.


While i agree that that's probably what they plan to do with it, i also think there could *in theory* be some participants who would want to be involved for precisely that reason. There could be exhibitionism here, for example, and there's surely an element of enjoying humiliation for some people in this too. I suppose the question is really how appropriate or responsible it is to allow those aspects of the fetish to cross over into reality because of how it might have adverse consequences for others.



For those who didn't click on doubleintegral's link:


"Inspirational hit MY STRANGE ADDICTION is now casting for new and compelling stories!

"If your or someone you know is struggling with a strange addiction, obsession, or compulsive behavior let us know, we can help! All participants will speak with a professional in the medical or psychological field, to better understand their behavior.

"Past addictions include sleeping with a running blowdryer, sniffing gasoline, compulsive cleaning, and eating drywall.

"If your or someone you know could benefit from professional help in overcoming their strange addiction, please respond to this ad with your name, city/state, a brief description of your behavior, and contact information for follow-up questions."

-Blown Up

MixMaster (not verified)

"Open and shut case Johnson..."

Yeah... When did inflation get to level of huffing gas and eating... Drywall? I feel stupid just typing that.


I'm happy to be addicted to it personally.