New inflation / Expansion clip

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New inflation / Expansion clip

So, some of you allready know I've just started to make 3D video clips, and I'm not even very good at it yet, though I'm getting better and better!

Here is a preview pic of from the belly inflation scene of a 30 seconds clip I've been working all night on! haha :)

this is really just a test to see if people are interested in 3D video. If people are, I will make a lot more detailed clip with a better inflation scene as I finally figured out how to do it properly. This inflation clip isn't that great, as people generally don't seem that interested, so I don't really want to waste my time on creating better work.

A small BE sequence from the clip can be found at the following link, allthough it has to be downloaded in order to be seen. (The preview is of course free :) )

I know my current clips arn't all that great, but as I said, I know how to make them a lot better. So again, if people are interested I will. But again, if the interest is low, I won't waste to much time on creating new content :P

Anyway, sorry if I sound rude, I'm just curious if the comunity would be interested. As for the price. I'm trying really hard to keep the price down. And I will continue to do it with the short animation clips, if people are interested. Allthough the Audio clip I will to charge a little more, as I need to pay the actor her comission :)

My main thing is inflation, but I can do requests, as long as the interests are there. I havn't tried blueberry yet, but i supose I can figure out how to do a blueberry scene as well.

As for WG isn't really my thing, but I figured it's a lot easier to make than inflation.


Anyway, the full clips can always be found at my studio, but what I want with this post is to see if the comunity want it. I know I take payment, but it's a very small one, compared to the HOURS of work it take. I don't know what the prices are like over in America, but I'd say you help an artist creating more content by skipping a Coke or a MCdonalds meal :P

Again, even those clips which is allready there (BE cream + Inflation is currently the best) isn't all that great, I will keep the same price on the new content I'm going to make if the interest is there :)