I feel like its getting a bit too much...

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I feel like its getting a bit too much...

I feel like my inflation fetish is starting to get out of control... its so easy for me to get turned on by it, and i kinda want this to stop for my own good. Does anyone have any ideas for it to at least turn down a few notches...?

I really feel like its turning me into a sex driven person: someone i have tried my whole life not to become; i do not want to be that kind of person...

Any help will be appreciated...

pjoker's picture

Your primary function as an organism is to reproduce. We are sex-driven creatures.

When you do anything that serves the goal of either reproducing or surviving, your brain rewards you with euphoric chemicals. Eat fat-rich foods or get laid, you get serotonin and dopamine. Bond with your child, you get oxytocin.

Some of us possess a fetish—a little glitch in the wetware of the brain that's like an alternate pathway to the same sex reward, but without the sex. And we stimulate that "itch" to get the pleasurable response.

This in itself is not a bad thing; it's how this affects other aspects of your life and personality that matters.

As long as you're not becoming antisocial or calling in sick to work because you need to stay home and fap, I would say you haven't got a problem.

"No pleasure is in itself evil, but the things which produce certain pleasures entail annoyances many times greater than the pleasures themselves." —Epicurus

Is the annoyance greater than the pleasure?


If you view your problem as preventative of progress in the rest of your life you can treat it the same way you would if you overindulge in anything else. Find alternatives for spending your time like new hobbies, sports, or something else that is constructive. Of course there are exceptions, but every person is a "sexual person" it's just the way people are wired. If it is matter of not being able to think of anything other than your "desires", that seems to be a case of having an under-stimulated mind throughout the day. I can't speak for others, but if I have many tasks to complete, or goals to accomplish in a short time frame, such as a work or school day, I really don't have time to think about what turns me on unless it shows up right in front of me. But again, there is nothing wrong with being somewhat sex driven, unless your sex drive leads you out in front of a speeding bus or something. If relationships, work, and your personal life are falling apart because of your dilemma, consider counseling as well.


My advice: Get a hobby, go out more or work out. In other words; do stuff! If you sit too much home or think too much of it it won't get any better. 

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


I can only speak for myself but i feel it comes and goes. There's a seasonal variation - it gets strongest in late winter and weakest in autumn - and it disappeared for more than a year once. It can take over, but it's equally bad when it goes away because then i've lost something which is part of me - sex drive goes away when you're ill, for example, suggesting that for us, it's healthy.

But of course, your problem is the other way. I generally find that things you don't want to feel tend to feed on being suppressed, and this can be an example of that. I'm comfortable with my level of focus on this, so i haven't tried it in this precise area, but elsewhere i've found that if you push things down they will react by forcing themselves upwards harder. I found that for myself, and this may or may not work for you, the key is to observe the feelings, acknowledge them and stay calm. If they get stronger, don't panic and get into a vicious circle of guilt or shame, and if they weaken, that's just who you're becoming. Just keep calm, if you can - probably more easily said than done. I would personally say take up Yoga and meditation and do something grounding like housework, cooking, gardening, jogging, chopping wood, DIY...




Try a hobby like Warhammer 40,000.  Drugs (not to mention online inflation porn) would be cheaper....

Inflate123's picture

It's like anything you enjoy -- gotta do it in moderation. Like Nineteenthly says, I find it comes and goes in waves of intensity -- I'm a little less seasonal than he is, but I'll go through a week or a month where I'm really thinking about it a lot, then I'll go through two months where I am just sort of checking messages and participating in social aspects of it. It's more fun when I'm craving it, frankly. It's been, what, 35 years since I indentified this thing in myself, and maybe 20 since I came to terms with it? I am a fully functioning member of society despite fapping to extreme hourglasses a few times a week.

Trying to restrict yourself harshley probably won't work out any better than people who diet by denying themselves the foods they crave. If you are really concerned and feel you need to be active about controlling it, it's better to go with smaller portions rather than going cold turkey; don't be at war with yourself.

But there's a good chance it's never going away so the sooner you find your balance -- and that may take some experimentation, and you might not like all the guilty feelings you feel along the way -- the better poised you will be to enjoy it for the rest of your life. 


I for one play video games in my spare time to get away from inflation. Or snack on a graham cracker. Graham flour temporarily inhibits sexual urges.
"Don't beat off, have a s'more!" as camp leaders say.

Find something else to fill your time. I recommend Skyrim or League of Legends myself, but your choice of game/other entertainment source may vary. But honestly, as some others have said, as long as it's not affecting important things in your life then it shouldn't be a problem.