Finding pictures

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Finding pictures

Hello fellow violet inflators,

Trying to find certain bodyinflation art, I can't find some sexy art I used to love. It's a girl being inflated in a pink suit and another one of her being inflated by two others.


Thank you if you can help


Balloonshaz x

I'm jealous of Violet and want someone to inflate me like her!

Role plays always welcome. Just drop me a private message XXX


How long ago was this?

I'm just guessing more or less at random here (pink and same person), but could it have been these two?


Are these the pics you're looking for?  They may not show up in this thread (not sure if Copy->Paste works here).  If not, I can upload them to the image gallery.



Artist is "larry latex". Probably one of my fav pics, and if I was to turn into a balloon I'd hope it was a pink one!


Thanks kidquetzal, those are the two I attempted to embed in my previous post.  Interesting 'pallette swap' on the 2nd pic.  The one I have is the inflated girl in a pink suit, with the one on the left in red and the one on the right in blue.