Contact me about RP - doesn't work?

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Auriga's picture
Contact me about RP - doesn't work?

 This link now leads to a list of all members, and not contact details.

LutherVKane's picture

I've checked the the link and it's working for me. Can you get a screen shot of what's showing up for you?

Auriga's picture

 URL with screenshot

 Somehow it doesn't work in image tag


LutherVKane's picture

It looks liek you've clicked on the phrease "Please contact me about roleplaying" in someone's profile. Clicking on category links in a profile has always led to a list of all users who are in that category. It's the default behavior in Drupal, and its kind of clunky, but I haven't gotten around to changing it.


Auriga's picture

 Also, is it possible to add timezones and preferred time filter in the tool? Like person is in TZ -5 specifies preferable time 23:00 - 01:00 and another person has timezone +3 and preferred time 07:00 - 09:00.

 They have different timezones but match perfectly.