Batman (old tv series) inflation

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Batman (old tv series) inflation

Hi, for some reason I got a flashback. I remember there was some inflation in the old tv series 1960's, 70's or 80's?`

Anyway there was this woman who had this suit or coat or top or something and it inflated. I don't remember if she had it on,

have some vague memories she dropped it on the floor between a door so it inflated and blocked batman from entering.

Anybody remember this?

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


 I'm guessing you are referring to the show that displayed "Biff!" "Pow!" "Blam!" kind of words when the characters were fighting and hit eachother.

 For whatever reason, I didn't watch this show very often. But I have the impression that it was quite funny.

 It would be interesting to find the episode you are referring to.


Hehe yes it was that "biff" "pow" show :)

I remember there was some inflation in it. I got all three seasons now (don't ask me how I got it ;)) so I will scan through them. Might take a while :/

But I will report back here if I find anything

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


Tom, I believe the episode of "Batman" you are referring to is this one (at the very beginning of this clip):

I had memories of it, too, but as you can see there is no suit inflation. (I thought it was clever, though, how the shot of the wrap deflating was reversed to look as though it was inflating.)

Hope this helps.




Ahh yes there it was! It's weird, I remember it as being purple. I do remembered she throws it on the ground due to trap the ones following her.

And I skimmed today throug all the episodes of batman, all three seasons, without finding it -_- another sunday well spent.

Well thanks anyway for the clip! 

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group