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Seen this?


I am into suit inflation, but thought maybe you body inflation fans will lovet his? I find it a bit arousing due to her reaction and face expression.

It's sort of reaction and expression I want in a suit inflation scenario

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


It's from a banned commercial about some snacks. I've seen the whole ad in YouTube before. the "inflated" victim is the female.

I love those "hand inflations". You know, the hands turn like a ball with the little fingers all around them.

In the complete version:

-A guy is resting at the beach with a snacks bag.

-He sees a young woman with a ponytail in sports clothes trotting at some distance.

-He swallows one snack and the upper side of one of the lady's legs "inflates" with a somewhat vulgar sound. The man becomes a little surprised and gets interested.

-Eats another snack, and the same happens to the other leg of the girl. Victim starts to react and get worried.

-The man gets enthusiastic and eats many snacks, one after other, as the woman's body parts get "swollen" (It's like the fat of the snacks affects the watched person instead of the one that is eating them)

-Finally, the lad takes two snacks, looks at the woman's breasts, and bites them! Here the logo of the snacks is displayed inmediately, and we do not see what happens. Though I think this action suggest that her breasts get "inflated".

I liked this ad. The lady is appealing for me. Though the first time I saw it, I felt the guy was being a little abusive. I somewhat still like his expressions and "charisma".

VManMagic (not verified)

I can see why it's banned. Apparently the random girl in the video is a Thai model named Sonia Couling who's hosted Thailand's Next Top Model and I'm guessing is well known. In the full commercial the guy even gasps, "Sonia?" That being being said given the crude effects, lack of true purpose, and straight-up wtf factor I can see her people and Doritos pulling the plug on it before the public could see.

Still worth watching given the shot at hand inflation. It also helps that we literally have a super model to be the subject. Still makes me wonder who the hell actually green-lit this.


The Inflation of Dorian Gray