How would you inflate my or any other girl's belly?

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How would you inflate my or any other girl's belly?

Hey folks,

I'm a friend of forced belly inflation and force feeding and i'd love to hear what you would like to do with me and my belly. With every detail if you like ;) Or have you some nice stories to these topics?


Here's one idea i have for starters.

First I would gently sit you down into a chair and strap you in by pulling the huge strap over your slim trim (or maybe already chubby ;) ) belly...then I would make you scarf down every last bite I offer to you and tell you that you can't leave until you eat EVERYTHING...whether you do it willingly or by force varies but either way you won't be allowed to leave until you are super plump!

Could you perhaps send me a PM with any sort of messenger you have?

There is absolutely no such thing as too big ;)



I would take you to a gas station and stick the air hose in your navel, ala Joe and Moira, but I would stop before you got any stretchmarks


I would take you to a gas station and stick the air hose in your navel, ala Joe and Moira, but I would stop before you got any stretchmarks

MixMaster (not verified)

What's up with all the "Dating Game"-esque questions coming through as of lately in the forums? 

Not giving you any guff for it, but I'm just curious, it just sounds strange to me ^^;;


Aw, just the belly? That's no fun :/

I guess a nozzle as a belly button would be pretty neat. Regarding stories, DeviantArt should have several on that topic.

Bloated girl lover

I love belly's. Big round hard belly's



Ignore this post, BI lagged on me and hic'ed up a double-post.


One word, cake :p


Feeding you plenty of rich moist cake till you were pleasantly full and content. But of course it wouldn't stop there, the look in your eyes begging for more. The feedin would continue until every crumb of cake put in your mouth was in your round, overfilled, beach ball of a belly.

I'm mean. 


Warm water. Lots and lots of it. Take you to the edge and listen to you negotiate a bit, bargain a little, let you let some out but probably not as much as we agreed on.

Then start you over. Maybe lose count a couple times but insist on taking you to the full number of seconds we agreed on. Then stop and make a grand show of carefully inspecting you to make sure you're ok. Then insist that you've got plenty of room, when clearly you don't, and sure you know I've turned the water back on but don't let you see exactly how high (or low) I've turned it on. Let you feel yourself getting tighter without really knowing how much I'm putting in you. Really make you worry about it. Maybe negotiate with you while leaving it on even, just to make you feel like you're running out of time...and space. :)


Always be gentle with your toys, especially when they're people.

Bloated girl lover

Nice and slow with air so you don't leak.


Cosinusitis's picture

6 year necroposting on the blandest-ass thread one can imagine. How far can you go!?

My username is stupid.

Better known as Poqato on the art scene.