not too happy

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not too happy

So I was really happy to join this site, to find out stuff and share this really deep secret, a secret i've been hiding for nearly all my life so I would not be treated as a freak, and it seems as if I face more racism here than I would in everyday life. First of all I keep on seeing people being pushed away and kicked out cause of being illiterate, I didn't know you had to be an english speaker in order to have this fetish. The other day I posted a topic in Greek asking if anyone from greece has this fetish, the next day I checked to see if anyone had replayed and it was no longer there. Anyway im tired of living my great life and returning here to be talked by people, that are suppose to be a community, as if im an outcast, OR JUST BEING INGORED. Thank you for reading, sorry about any mistakes. 


[Edited by LVK: Please see my response below. If I can't translate a post, then I can't moderate it and I have to remove it.]


English is "THE" language you know. I am not from USA or England, but I still write in english since this is a forum where people speak english. 

If you did the same thing in real life (coming to a place where most speak english) and start talking in Greek or whatever other language, yes you would have been ignored or asked to speak in english.

So, buhuuu cry me a river

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


Well hey there Trolly McTroll... I may not speak Greek but I would have noticed if there had in fact been a post in Greek around here.


NO SHIT wiseass!!!

Noone questioned english being THE language... all what me and my thread-starter friend are trying to do is throw some nets making shy greeks come out of their holes and see the possibility of a greek thread starting, like the italian one etc. You can either ignore this thread in case you don't get our slang, or say something usefull (in "THE" language of course... ) to help this situation! And yes, having the moderators delete a thread about a call for greeks, in the rarity of our fetish worldwide (in the only "famous" BI forum), seems like an act of racism to me...



REALLY...Thats your answer.. I cant fall to your level, its too hard for me to understand that people still in 2013 dont know the difference between globalization and BEING-THINKING-TALKING in english. And please define THE LANGUAGE. lol. Anyway I didn't post this to offend anyone or to cry out, so fuck you son ;]


You can never fall to my level. That is because my level is so above you. Now go and cry somewhere else :)

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

LutherVKane's picture

It's not about racism. It's about me being ultimately responsible for what gets posted on this site. So if somebody posts something that I don't understand and isn't recognized by either Babelfish or Google Translate, then I take it down.

I try to be accomodating, but I can't manage what I can't read. If you're going to post in a foreign language, I suggest you try running it through one of the translators above. That's exactly what I'm going to when you post. If neither can produce intelligible english from it, then I won't be able to read it and then I'll have to delete it.


ok thats fine, english isn't the problem for me, I was talking generaly. Thank you though for answering respectfully. Its nice to have an actual response.

Blue_Eyes's picture


Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


how can u fall high, lol kid go to sleep



Excactly. You can't. Therefor you can't fall to my level, since I am on a level above you. Is there something you do not understand? You want this repeated to you forever?

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


go find a girlfriends tom, running a yahoo group with the word chicks in doesn't count


What has me running a yahoo group to do with my personal life?
If you must to know, I am married, have my own house, two cars and a great job :)
Now please stop embarrassing yourself further.

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

LutherVKane's picture

Seriously, guys? Put your dicks away and find a more productive use of your time.

Topic locked