Curiosity question

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BTBLL's picture
Curiosity question

I am genuinely curious as to how many registered members there are on this site. Obviously some of us are more active participants than others, but I suspect that there are a large number of lurkers as it were. Would you possibly share how many actual registered members there are? Not asking for anything but a number here.

LutherVKane's picture

There are about 6500 active (successfully activated and not blocked/banned) accounts on


Interesting.  Not so rare as it seems then, is it?



Well, that figure is before you compensate for bots and people who signed up, looked around once, and then didn't come back.

LutherVKane's picture

The 6500 number is already an adjustment down from the roughly 8000 accounts that have been registered over the history of the site.

Bots aren't included in the count. They tend to get blocked pretty quickly, and 99%+ get denied by the spam filter before completing registration.

As for people logging in once, I still think they're valid in terms of counting people who are interested in body inflation. The vast majority of site visitors never register, and there's plenty to see on the site without logging in. If someone goes through the trouble of registering at all, then it probably indicates a significant interest.

Duplicate accounts are probably a bigger issue. For various reasons, people will sometimes abandon an account and re-register under a different name. But even that wouldn't have that much impact on the total number.

Inflate123's picture

That's pretty cool. 

Honestly, 6500 sounds like a lot more than I ever expected. It's still small in terms of, you know, city populations, but it's bigger than I think I would have dreamed when I first joined the community. That there are that many people who have intentionally counted themselves among the registered users, even if there are a few flakes &!


(accidental double post)