Many years ago I was dating Liz, a large, bouncy and attractive girl. My mother once asked me if I had blown her up with a pump. One night out for a beer alone a guy asked me where Liz was, did she have a puncture !
Has anybody here ever had these sort of remarks said to them.
I wish I had been pumping her up !
Hints of inflation.
Asking whether anyone has made any inflated comments offhanded.
Yes it happens, I once had a manager at work talking about how she only started eating loads when she got with her boyfriend to keep up to his appetite and after a while it looked like someone had pumped her up like a balloon.
Other people I've known keep saying they feel about to pop.
Well, that was random.
One time I was sitting down having a few drinks a couple of girls I know we we're talking about fetishes now I was fairly tanked at the time so my memory is a little fuzzy but, if I recall correctly one of them said that she thought it would be cool if she could grow and shrink her boobs at will. So at the time I kept my mouth shut and now I kinda wish I hadn't lol.
Lol, wut?