Revival of My Youtube Channel

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TayvaRP's picture
Revival of My Youtube Channel

I just wanted to mention that I am starting to post new videos again. I can really use some suggestions and comments though, mostly just in terms of positions (since I cant afford any new clothing). I still cant show my face or speak, but otherwise any positive comments or suggestions would be great.


I'm mostly into full body or breast inflation, but you're doing a good job :)

Also some rather good stories on your DA page, I took the libery of fave'ing, thank you, it was a good read ;)

TayvaRP's picture

Thanks. I cant really take credit for the stories though. They were written by a friend of mine


Give my regards to your friend then :) Wouldn't happen to be up for a chat, some day?

TayvaRP's picture

I always am. My messenger profiles should be on my BI profile. Otherwise I might have them listed in Deviantart.