Prose that Blows 11, coming soon .

Hi all, who's been wondering where Prose that Blows has been over the last few months.

Well you might know that due to other committments, both Pakona and Dblintegral are no longer able to manage the regular contests. They've done such an excellent job of it, I never imagined when I launched the first Prose that Blows that 4 years later we'd have had 10 competitions, and so many excellent stories and new writers in the community. Myself and Notsosupersaiyan have taken over the running of PtB and hope to be able to continue in their massive footsteps.

So for now just an update, I have access to the Wordpress site and me and Notso were discussing a concept before Christmas which was well on the way towards being launched. I haven't heard from Notso since getting the keys from DblIntegral (so if you're reading this, please contact me), as of course we all have real lives which must take priority from time to time.

If I don't hear from Notso in the next couple of weeks then I will launch PtB XI in the form that we had agreed upon previously (I'm sure I have all the details in my chat history).

So thanks for your patience and I look forward to launching.

doubleintegral's picture

Awesome.  Glad to hear there's one in the works.

darth_clone19's picture


 -   Read my stories: 


Awesomesauce, looking forward to the return :)

Phraxus's picture

Splendid news.  I'd thought the thing had died off after the last one, but I'm glad to hear there's an interest in keeping it alive.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


Currently we have a draft of the launch text on the blog and are just ironing out some of the differences in opinion as to how the contest will work. We should be good to go by the end of the week.

doctorbo's picture

I stay tuned and finally managed to post in here, all the better!

I missed the last ione but I intend to come up with something for this one ;)

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You missed this one too unfortunately, the title says 11 but this should have been 10, it turned out there had only been 9 before it, it's the one with results on the main page and this thread is six months old. Keep an eye out for the next one.

doctorbo's picture

Oops, that's what I get for being a long time lurker and finally post. For now on I'll be more up to date - and I sure stay tuend for the next one.

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