Works in Progress

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Works in Progress

Hi all. Things have gotten a little quiet here lately so I thought I'll see if I can come up with something worth saying to stimulate discussion. I don't really have a hell of a lot to say unfortunately, I used to post here a lot, back when I was doing a lot of writing and 'drawing' too. Recently, I've not been doing any of either, not in I'd guess at 4 years, maybe 5. My activity in inflationland has been largely limited to RPs but I've been meaning to produce more for ages, so I thought a half decent icebreaker would be to mention what I've been working on.

Some stuff I've been working on for yonks, stuff that kind of it dropped a few years ago when life got ahead of me and I no longer had any opportunity to create (I'm getting more of an opportunity these days). I still have a plan written out if what happens in chapters 3 and 4 of Remotes. I also have an outline for a story that involves copious use of time travel. Not visiting a historic period, Bill and Ted, type time travel, more jumping backwards and forwards by minutes or hours within the timespace of the plot. Gets complicated. These are all short stories by the way, which brings me onto my next topic, being an advocate generally of writing in the community.

Me and Notsosupersaiyan have taken over and are close to launching the next Prose that Blows. You can read about it in the writers den, I did make a mistake though and call it PtB11, when Notso now reliably informs me it will actually be the tenth. I actually started the first PtB right before ceasing creative work, so Pakona and Dblintegral stepped in and finished excellently what I had started.

That's not the only thing though, I'm also due to resume a couple of projects I had started back then and never finished. The first of these is the Inflato-saurus, basically an inflation themed thesaurus, or general repository of words particular to our fetish (and many not so particular but useful). The second is a guide to getting started with writing inflation fiction, where to look for inspiration, how o write short stories but with an inflation perspective, that kind of thing. I call that 'How to Party with the Literati'... I'll do the thesaurus first I think.

Finally, I'm drawing again too. Nothing spectacular but hopefully with more polish than I've been known for. One is a drawing I'd been close to completing years so and just needs a finishing touch. Among other things I'm also doing an inflated 'portrait' of a girl I often RP with.

None of these WIPs feature Vaughan, but she will make an appearance soon.


Ech. Double post, always happens from my iPad.


Ech. Double post, always happens from my iPad.


Sorry, i know this is slightly off-topic and should probably go somewhere else but i have the same problem with my Android tablet - always end up double-posting here when it doesn't happen anywhere else.

As regards your thing, i may try to write something for that but i have a lot of ideas floating around at the moment.  An Inflato-saurus (as opposed to an Inflatosaurus, which would presumably be some kind of prehistoric lizardy balloon) is an excellent idea!  I so often get stuck with words and worry about repetition.  Thanks.



Fantastic that one of my favourite writers is still about :)

doubleintegral's picture

Actually, a "how to write inflation fiction" piece is something I'd like to do too.  It would be nice to be able to educate readers on which inflation tropes are okay to use and which to avoid like the plague.


Actually I was thinking less about tropes and more about general writing skills. If a writer wants to use cheesy porn tropes like 'all of a sudden she realises she is into it' or 'inflating girl takes ten minutes to realise it's not her clothes that are shrinking' then no-one has any right to say that they shouldn't.

I might make mention of a few 'tropes' that good writers should know about like Chekhov's gun (whether they choose to use or abuse that knowledge), but mostly ll be focussing more on things narrative flow and exposition.

AlecDeluxe's picture

Puh-LEEEZE finish "Remotes"! It's one of my all-time favourites! I'm beggin' ya, man!!

I want to pop so much I could burst!