Balloon Party with Carrie and Tia, Part 1

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Carrie and Tia were cleaning up after a big party they had in their apartment.

"That was sure fun!" Carrie said picking up some popped balloons.

"Yeah. Our parents sure wouldn't let us have that kinda fun in each of our houses. Tia replied.

Carrie opened up the closet to put some stuff away. In the floor was a huge box. She brought it out.

"Hey, what's in here?" Carrie asked Tia.

"Balloons. A lot of them. For a lot of parties."

She opened the big box and saw hundreds of bags of balloons.

The both had balloon fetishes of blowing them up and popping them.

She took a bag and opened it.

"Let's have some fun!" Carrie tossed Tia some balloons.

Carrie took out a red balloon and stared blowing it up. Her chest heaved in and out under her tanktop.

They both blew a bunch of theirs up and popped them.

"Hey Carrie! Try this!" Tia placed a whole balloon in her mouth and blew it up like she was blowing a bubble gum bubble. It grew till it towered over her head, then exploded in shards of rubber.

"Neat!" Carrie said.

She placed the balloon in her mouth and she tried blowing, but it was stuck. She swallowed it.

"You okay?" Tia asked.

"Hey that tasted pretty good!"

"Whatever. I'm going to finish cleaning up." Tia went into the other room.

Meanwhile Carrie opened more bags of balloons and started swallowing them. And an hour later, the box was empty. She had swallowed over 200 balloons! Her belly stuck out from under her tanktop. Tia came in and gaped at her.

"What the??!"

"Yummy!" Carrie said.

"Great. Now you'll buy the balloons for the next party. And how in hell could you eat all of them?!?!"


Suddenly there was a noise like a balloon deflated.

"Where did that come from?" Carrie asked.

"Look!" Tia pointed at Carrie's chest.

Carrie's breasts were gone.

"No..." Carrie panicked

She took off her top and bra. There hanging where her breasts were, were two tubes. The ends looked like balloon mouths.

"Where'd those come from?" Tia asked.

"I don't know. Why don't you blow me up?"


Tia placed her mouth on Carrie's left nipple and started blowing. The deflated breast-balloon straightened out and started bulging in the middle. Then the bulge expanded until it formed a small tit.

"It's weird alright." Carrie said.

Tia took another breath and blew again. This time the bulge grew into a bubble and was now the size of Carrie's hand. She gave it a squeeze. It felt like rubber. She let go and it bounced back.

"Let me do it you're too slow."

She grabbed the end and took a big breath. She blew into it and the balloon-breast expanded to three times its size. Then she blew the other up to the same volume. Tia brought out a two way tube so she could do it faster. They attached them o her nipples and Carrie blew as hard as she could into the tube. Her bust expanded to volleyball size, then they started becoming rounder. The section toward her body became bigger (as in balloons). Her breasts now took on a pear shape.

Carrie wasn't satisfied and started blowing harder. Her breasts vibrated and became smooth. Then she felt something in her stomach, and her belly full of balloons started pushing out.

"Don't you think that's enough?" Tia asked.

"No! I want to be big!" Carrie said.

Tia grinned and went for another tube.

Carrie continued to blow her body up. Her breasts were still huge balloons and her belly stuck out as far as her breasts did. Now she felt her pants become tighter, and realized her butt was also expanding. She quickly unbuttoned her pants and slid her panties down.

Carrie stopped blowing as Tia came back in.

"I look great, don't I?"

"Yeah." Tia said. "Can you get larger?"

"I'll see."

Carrie blew more into the tube. Her stomach became fuller and smoother, her butt ballooned more, and then BANG! Her bellybutton popped straight out. Now it looked just like her deflated breasts.

Tia grinned again and popped the tube on Carrie?s bellybutton-balloon mouth.

"Whatreya doin? I'm large enough!" Carrie said.

"I bet you can get larger." Tia blew harder into the tube.

Her belly continued to grow. Her body started becoming rounder. Carrie's arms and legs became part of her body. And soon her head went as well.

Tia stepped back to look at her. Carrie was now a giant balloon with two balloon-breasts and a huge balloon-butt.

She heard Carrie?s voice. "I think I'm full." She said. "This is FUN though! You're not going to pop me, are you?"


Tia rolled her into the living room and went back into the closet. She brought out another box. She took off her shirt and bra and took some balloon bags out of it.

"I think I'll join you."

Author's Note: 


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