Looking for an rp partner

Hey there, decided to stop lurking, an finally post here. Well, won't beat around the bush, looking for an rp partner (male, female don' care.) Rp wise, I'm good with anything (bell, breasts, butt, body etc), an good with any method of expansion. Plus, don't mind using characters from knows medias (games, comics,cartoons, animes.) My only concearn, is that the other player won't make me guide 'em by the hand, isn't a demandin' ahole, least can writer properly (seriously, I hate when someone uses just one sentence, or chat talk), and just enjoys having fun scenarions ^^

So, if anyone is interested. Hit me up on either Skype or YIM:


Skype: hitman47_lt

YIM: manslayer_god


Also, forgot to add, I'm also good with using furries ^^


Sounds good to me.^^