Drysuit inflation

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Drysuit inflation

I hate Veengle.com. Useless channel. 
I found this thumbnail when searching on google images. 
And when I go to "view page", nothing. Anyone knows how to watch this? 

google images link: 

Veengle link: http://www.veengle.com/s/drysuit%2Bdiving/5.html

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


I can't see the image! Which video is?


I can't also see the image :'( why ? what video do you mean ?

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I don't think that those video sites host anything anyway. Whenever I follow a link on Google to a site that isn't Youtube, Dailymotion or Vimeo, all I get is a page with an embedded Youtube clip, or something like this. I don't know why Google bother to index them.


I found the video. I browsed all the pages on Veengle and found it. Clicking on it didn't work ofcourse.

But I copy-pasted the name of the video on google and came to the youtube video. Sadly it was a guy, but by the thumbnail it looked like a girl.

Now I don't remember the name of the video.

But seems just that Veengle copy of youtube, but that page is still a huge fail

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group