Each story can be played two ways, controlled or random. Controlled, the reader choose which path they want the story to go. Random, all the paths are chosen automatically at random and the story reads out instantly. Hopefully, I can get my story up so it's easier to understand.
Multiverse Fight - A Storybook Game
I've started a new website called Multiverse Fight. A project of mine where inflation/transformation writers and myself make an online story that unfolds in random ways. So that each time someone reads it it plays out a different tale with the same settings. No stories are available at this time but a writer and I are busy working on two of them. I have a forum attached to the site where you can find out how to get started and ask questions. Please that a moment to look it over.
http://multiversefight.x10.mx/ <- The Game
http://multiversefight.x10.mx/forum <- The Forum
Whatever you do, lose the background image. I have 50mbps Internet and that thing took forever to download.
I changed the background to the same image but went from a 4.1mb jpg to a 1.7mb jpg.
I added the first story sample to the site, it's not complete so there aren't a lot of paths but I'm working on finishing it off soon. I hope you enjoy and can get a picture of how the site will work.
For some reason the sites dead. Whats going on man?
For some reason the sites dead. Whats going on man?
Sorry for the double post.
Here is the spiritual successor to the game.
And what is randomized? Or it is merely different people contributing alternative paragraphs, so the storylines are diverging. If latter - the idea isn't new, but anyway, good luck.