The q-bert inflation episode

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The q-bert inflation episode

Does anyone have a clip of the q-bert inflation episode? I found this one video of the episode on Dailymotion but i can't view it for regional issues i guess. Could someone upload the clip if they have it? 


Can you post the link to the video, even if it doesn't work for you? Maybe for one of us it will work and we can post it... just try and post a link to it


Sorry if it posts twice


Inflate123's picture

Alas, does not load for me here in California. 

I have been hoping this scene would resurface for years. So close and yet so far!  


Is the inflation in the scene worth finding at all?


I saw it a couple years ago when the episode was actually up, and... honestly? No, not really. It basically looked like the character was stuffed into an inflated trash bag. You'd think they could have done better with an animated show, but apparently not. Such is the early 80's, I guess.


It's worth it just for the concept alone.

It involves a self-inflating one piece swimsuit in a beauty contest. Sounds like a old school inflation story idea. :)

Inflate123's picture

Honestly, for me, it's nostalgia, as I remember being surprised by it watching as a kid.

And they used to call it the "Saturday morning ghetto" for a reason. Cartoon quality was notoriously low in the 70s and 80s.  


The episode the great Q-tee contest



Just uploaded a gif fromthis episode into the gallery but I'm not sure it worked.

Sergy92's picture

I think the mods must approve it first.