Lungpower Linda Versus Molly's New Bikini
This is a special request by Latecomer for our comrade MissMolly, who favors blowkissing situations. Text to accompany this sketch is as follows:
Halfway through the lifeguard class, Molly started showing up in a black rubber scuba-diving bikini, with which Linda quickly became inordinately fascinated. Soon Linda realized that more than anything else, she wanted to pit her lungpower against the shiny rubber of Molly’s skimpy little two-piece suit. So when it was time to teach mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to the girls, Linda asked Molly to pretend she was the unconscious victim of a diving accident, and had Molly stay late after class so they could rehearse the demonstration.
Once the other girls had left the classroom, Linda closed and locked the door and rolled out a folding ambulance gurney to the front of the classroom and helped Molly climb up onto its green leather pad. She then tied Molly down with the restraint straps, as if she had just been wheeled in from the pool in an unresponsive state. Molly obediently went limp, while Linda ran through her lines just as she had so many times before and wrote the major points on the whiteboard on the wall behind the lectern. Tilt the head back like so to open the airway, and listen for breathing. Clear the mouth and nose and listen for breathing. Then take a deep breath and…
Linda gently turned Molly’s limp and unresisting head towards her, wet her lips, locked firmly down on Molly’s open mouth, and began to blow. But instead of allowing Molly to exhale while listening for air flow, Linda pinched Molly’s nose shut, kept her lips smushed down against Molly’s- and immediately took another quick breath through her nose, and blew that too into Molly’s mouth. And followed it with another.
Molly sensed something was wrong. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Why wouldn’t Linda let her start to breathe normally again? She could feel Linda’s forceful exhalations begin to make her body swell up, and became frightened. She tried to protest, but the restraint straps were very firmly tightened, and Linda would not be denied. Molly began to struggle against the straps and tried to turn her head away from Linda, but found she could not. She was tied down and helpless, wiggling ineffectually, and rapidly blowing up like a balloon. Molly produced a series of increasingly urgent whimpers and moans, muffled by Linda’s own mouth, with which Linda pressed Molly’s head deeper and deeper into the pillow underneath it.
As the helpless Molly continued to grow fatter and fatter, Linda took one of Molly’s rubber bra cups in her hand and squeezed down on it to judge how much the rubber there was stretching. She hefted it, then squeezed it hard enough to force Molly’s swollen nipple out from between her fingers. It was hard, which meant that regardless of what Molly herself might have been thinking, her own body was beginning to respond in its own way to what Linda was doing to it. Linda gave the nipple a quick but firm pinch, and Molly responded with a sharp squeal and a sudden arching of her back against the restraint straps, which continued to hold her fast against the gurney pad. Good, thought Linda. The process has begun.
Filled only with Linda’s exhalations, Molly was now running short on oxygen and felt her body slipping out of her control. Her breasts and crotch were growing peculiarly sensitive to the chafing produced by the ever-tightening rubber, which held firm against the spent air that Linda was forcing into her. Molly’s swelling breasts and belly and thighs bulged out around the confines of her bikini in fat curves that the rubber could not contain. There was simply nowhere else for the air to go and the straps of the suit dug into Molly’s swollen curves and gradually disappeared into the deep folds that developed there.
Although severely overtaxed, both the rubber material and the strap clips of Molly’s diving bikini held fast and Linda realized that it was unlikely that the suit itself would fail and burst free, as she had been imagining. Had she given it much thought, she would have realized that as skimpy and seemingly insubstantial as it appeared, the suit was actually designed to resist bursting to the bitter end and stay firmly in place in the event of a scuba regulator failure, which would have done the same thing to Molly’s body as she was doing to it with her blowkisses. Instead, it was Molly herself who was now in danger of bursting if Linda kept this up much longer.
Meanwhile, Molly was firmly in the grip of her distented body’s own program and realized that in addition to feeling dizzy and faint from lack of oxygen- and increasingly unable to hold back and not wet herself- her enormously bloated femininity was autonomously flooding her dimming consciousness with an a entirely different set of signals. Her desperate struggles grew feeble and were replaced with a different set of responses as these new sensations took control and began to overwhelm her.
Molly’s desperate nonverbal pleas were transformed into gasps and grunts that came from deep within and her frantic and futile wiggles became short and involuntary pelvic thrusts. Her extremities began to tingle with something like cold while deep down in the center of her enormously bloated belly there burned a steadily growing warmth that spread into her nipples and her wetted crotch. Still the suit did not burst. Still Linda kept on blowing.
Then Linda pinched Molly’s nipple again, really hard this time, and submitting to another of Linda’s forceful exhalations, Molly felt herself helplessly slipping into an exquisitely tingly and warm and wet and incontinent faint (from which Linda would soon need to resuscitate her for real).
As you can see, Molly, Linda, and Molly’s hopelessly overburdened rubber bikini are now balanced on a knife edge. What will it be: Will Linda finally relent, or will Molly pass out from an (ironic) lack of air, and require Linda to (just as ironically) save her from suffocation? Or will Molly wet herself? Or will she experience an airgasm? Or will the suit finally fail and burst to pieces, allowing her body to expand even more? Or will the restraint straps fail and let the hapless Molly float away like an untethered blimp? Or will Molly herself explode before the suit does?
With the stage thus set, my story ends- so that yours can now begin. You, my friends and colleagues, may finish it yourself according to your own tastes and stylistic preferences! If you do, please post and share. Molly's fate is now in your hands... Please be gentle.
Suggestions for sketches and stories are always welcome-
Best regards,

I have just posted to the images section a special request sketch I did for our comrade MissMolly, who favors blowkissing situations. Text to accompany this sketch is appended to the image file but I am also posting it here in the Comments Section so others who wouldn't ordinarily check out the pictures can read the text and perhaps respond to the challenge I pose at the end. It's a bit short to be posted as a story in its own right, but I will do so if you folks deem it appropriate. Here it is:
Halfway through the lifeguard class, Molly started showing up in a black rubber scuba-diving bikini, with which Linda quickly became inordinately fascinated. Soon Linda realized that more than anything else, she wanted to pit her lungpower against the shiny rubber of Molly’s skimpy little two-piece suit. So when it was time to teach mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to the girls, Linda asked Molly to pretend she was the unconscious victim of a diving accident, and had Molly stay late after class so they could rehearse the demonstration.
Once the other girls had left the classroom, Linda closed and locked the door and rolled out a folding ambulance gurney to the front of the classroom and helped Molly climb up onto its green leather pad. She then tied Molly down with the restraint straps, as if she had just been wheeled in from the pool in an unresponsive state. Molly obediently went limp, while Linda ran through her lines just as she had so many times before and wrote the major points on the whiteboard on the wall behind the lectern. Tilt the head back like so to open the airway, and listen for breathing. Clear the mouth and nose and listen for breathing. Then take a deep breath and…
Linda gently turned Molly’s limp and unresisting head towards her, wet her lips, locked firmly down on Molly’s open mouth, and began to blow. But instead of allowing Molly to exhale while listening for air flow, Linda pinched Molly’s nose shut, kept her lips smushed down against Molly’s- and immediately took another quick breath through her nose, and blew that too into Molly’s mouth. And followed it with another.
Molly sensed something was wrong. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Why wouldn’t Linda let her start to breathe normally again? She could feel Linda’s forceful exhalations begin to make her body swell up, and became frightened. She tried to protest, but the restraint straps were very firmly tightened, and Linda would not be denied. Molly began to struggle against the straps and tried to turn her head away from Linda, but found she could not. She was tied down and helpless, wiggling ineffectually, and rapidly blowing up like a balloon. Molly produced a series of increasingly urgent whimpers and moans, muffled by Linda’s own mouth, with which Linda pressed Molly’s head deeper and deeper into the pillow underneath it.
As the helpless Molly continued to grow fatter and fatter, Linda took one of Molly’s rubber bra cups in her hand and squeezed down on it to judge how much the rubber there was stretching. She hefted it, then squeezed it hard enough to force Molly’s swollen nipple out from between her fingers. It was hard, which meant that regardless of what Molly herself might have been thinking, her own body was beginning to respond in its own way to what Linda was doing to it. Linda gave the nipple a quick but firm pinch, and Molly responded with a sharp squeal and a sudden arching of her back against the restraint straps, which continued to hold her fast against the gurney pad. Good, thought Linda. The process has begun.
Filled only with Linda’s exhalations, Molly was now running short on oxygen and felt her body slipping out of her control. Her breasts and crotch were growing peculiarly sensitive to the chafing produced by the ever-tightening rubber, which held firm against the spent air that Linda was forcing into her. Molly’s swelling breasts and belly and thighs bulged out around the confines of her bikini in fat curves that the rubber could not contain. There was simply nowhere else for the air to go and the straps of the suit dug into Molly’s swollen curves and gradually disappeared into the deep folds that developed there.
Although severely overtaxed, both the rubber material and the strap clips of Molly’s diving bikini held fast and Linda realized that it was unlikely that the suit itself would fail and burst free, as she had been imagining. Had she given it much thought, she would have realized that as skimpy and seemingly insubstantial as it appeared, the suit was actually designed to resist bursting to the bitter end and stay firmly in place in the event of a scuba regulator failure, which would have done the same thing to Molly’s body as she was doing to it with her blowkisses. Instead, it was Molly herself who was now in danger of bursting if Linda kept this up much longer.
Meanwhile, Molly was firmly in the grip of her distented body’s own program and realized that in addition to feeling dizzy and faint from lack of oxygen- and increasingly unable to hold back and not wet herself- her enormously bloated femininity was autonomously flooding her dimming consciousness with an a entirely different set of signals. Her desperate struggles grew feeble and were replaced with a different set of responses as these new sensations took control and began to overwhelm her.
Molly’s desperate nonverbal pleas were transformed into gasps and grunts that came from deep within and her frantic and futile wiggles became short and involuntary pelvic thrusts. Her extremities began to tingle with something like cold while deep down in the center of her enormously bloated belly there burned a steadily growing warmth that spread into her nipples and her wetted crotch. Still the suit did not burst. Still Linda kept on blowing.
Then Linda pinched Molly’s nipple again, really hard this time, and submitting to another of Linda’s forceful exhalations, Molly felt herself helplessly slipping into an exquisitely tingly and warm and wet and incontinent faint (from which Linda would soon need to resuscitate her for real).
As you can see, Molly, Linda, and Molly’s hopelessly overburdened rubber bikini are now balanced on a knife edge. What will it be: Will Linda finally relent, or will Molly pass out from an (ironic) lack of air, and require Linda to (just as ironically) save her from suffocation? Or will Molly wet herself? Or will she experience an airgasm? Or will the suit finally fail and burst to pieces, allowing her body to expand even more? Or will the restraint straps fail and let the hapless Molly float away like an untethered blimp? Or will Molly herself explode before the suit does?
With the stage thus set, my story ends- so that yours can now begin. You, my friends and colleagues, may finish it yourself according to your own tastes and stylistic preferences! Our friend Molly's fate is now in your hands... Please be considerate of her, and gentle. She's one of us, after all, and we're all in this together.
Suggestions for sketches and stories are always welcome-
Best regards,