I'm confident we can get MissMolly much bigger before she explodes if we just choose the right costume for her. I think that next time, we will ask Debbie to blowkiss MissMolly while she's wearing one of those maternity swimsuits. -Latecomer
MissMolly gets a really professional blowkiss
MissMolly decides to see just how big she can possibly get before she pops, so she attends a training seminar for prospective playboy bunnies and signs up for a private session with one of the pros on staff: Bunny Debbie. Coincidentally, our friend Jim Donaldson happened to be tagged as the official photographer for the event, shooting souvenir photos for the participants.
Unlike "Lungpower Linda"- who was strictly an amateur- Debbie really knows her stuff. She takes MissMolly aside and, holding her gently, manages to very slowly and carefully blow her up to a size she has never experienced before.
MissMolly can't believe what is happening to her. Her silly little costume grows tighter and tighter as her body expands and expands, and in consequence of this MissMolly also experiences an unprecedented level of arousal in the process. Her swollen nipples become hard as diamonds and her breasts begin to force their way out of her suit's overburdened bra cups. Her gigantic belly bulges out farther and farther and is in danger of actually touching the floor, placing loads on the fabric of her bunny suit that it was never designed to withstand.
Jim knows his stuff too, and after waiting as long as he thought prudent he tripped the shutter on his camera at that point where he felt certain that poor MissMolly could take no more air without exploding- and sure enough, moments later Miss Molly's bra cups split open and her costume flew off her in pieces and she herself blew up with a somewhat muffled but still resounding bang... but not before setting a new personal record for sheer size.
Now the only question remaining is this: How long will it take before MissMolly manages to pull herself together and set about beating that record? One thing is certain, though: ordinary playboy bunny costumes are clearly not up to the task at hand. She'll need to be wearing something with a lot more stretch to it. Jim may have some useful ideas about that, don't you think?

Lovin it! ^^