New here and want to roleplay

Hello, I'm new here and I'd like to try some role-playing with anybody interested (new to role-playing as well).  I would prefer to be the inflatee, but am willing to be the inflator.  My preferred inflation is belly and blueberry, but I do enjoy the other types (except weight gain).  I'm pretty flexable with the means to inflate me; by water, gas, food, etc via orally, anally, or spontaneous.  My favorite method is cum inflation by tentacles (so needless to say I am interested in sexual role-playing).  If I haven't lost you yet and if you're interested in role-playing with me, send me a message here.  I only have a DeviantArt account, but if anybody is interested I can make an account on YIM, AIM, or what every your preferred thing is.  Thank you to all who took the time to read this and I hope to hear from somebody.

PhantasyInflate's picture

Just to update a little, I've established a YIM and Skpye account, both using the same name: PhantasyInflate.

Bubbleman132's picture

I'm up for it. I also love sexual form of inflation

PhantasyInflate's picture

Great, what do you like to use for it?

Bubbleman132's picture

I'm not quite sure, can you let me think?

PhantasyInflate's picture

Of course, take your time.

CorpulentArtifice's picture

Hey, I'll add you to my YIM contacts, if that's alright (same name as on here: signoremirtillo). Feel free to hit me up any time. I'm kind of an inflatee myself, but we can always take turns. xP

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo

bubble me up

contact me sometime