My Youtube Series

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InflatoVision's picture
My Youtube Series

Hi everybody! I would like to inform all inflation fans that I'm currently hosting a Youtube series entitled "Inflato-Vision: Inflatable Comedy Network" and invite anyone to join and/or subscribe. Also, feel free to follow on Twitter and like on Facebook.



InflatoVision's picture

blowup_boy's picture

Bit to much child content on your channel. You underage yourself? This is an adult website, posting underage material is against the rules. Puffy stuff or not.

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!

InflatoVision's picture

I understand that this IS an adult site, but to be honest, my YouTube series just contains videos of people wearing inflatable costumes and doing all kinds of humorous stuff in them like dancing or singing. Besides, I will never post anything that this site won't allow.

Inflate123's picture

I think you're missing the point of concern here. There's no objection to your series or the content of your videos. There's concern over you posting here AT ALL if you are not old enough to do so.  

InflatoVision's picture

I'm 25 years old. Does that count?


The people in your videos aren't adults.  That's the problem.


InflatoVision's picture

I do apologize for your concern. As long as I don't post anything to violate this site's terms, everything should be fine