Prose that Blows 10 VOTING IS OPEN!!!

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Prose that Blows 10 VOTING IS OPEN!!!

Hi all.


Sorry about the delay, as I said, I've been very busy. Just work, eat work sleep day in day out for the past month. I've struggled to find time to research different ways to set up the voting, but I have now sorted it :D

You can vote here.

Nothing more to say other than, enjoy reading and may the best story win


Might I ask when the polls close?

Formerly known as unknown.


Sorry, they will close in two weeks' time. 12th of November to be precise.



Will the announcement and voting link go up on the PtB Wordpress site? I'd like to echo the announcement on my DA journal, but it'd make more sense to link directly to an announcement on the site than to the site and the voting seperately.


No, I haven't made a specific announcement on there as I find it better to channel everything through this site, that people read frequently. But I can edit the main post on the blog to include a link to the poll so you can link to that.

In future, the start of voting and posting of he stories won't be different things.

Inflate123's picture

I crossposted to my DA page and to Twitter. 


Note: I shall be closing voting tomorrow at 12PM GMT.

I say this because when I go to bed tonight it will still be early evening in parts of the USA and there might be people there who are hoping to vote before midnight local time. This way it will be midnight everybody's local time before polls close.

So get voting :)

Inflate123's picture

Good idea. I'm alllll the way over here in California so I just sent notes through my networks reminding people to vote before it's too late.