We're in a cracked article

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We're in a cracked article



I saw that too. The other article linked at the beginning references us more directly. It'll be interesting to see if we get any, how you say, haters.


We're SFW? If only I'd known this is my last job, I'd have had a much happier time there.


I don't even get wifi at my job, but all things considered, that's probably for the best . Wouldn't risk anyone outside of my circle seeing any of this. 

Inflate123's picture

People get turned on by wool?! Now THOSE folks are weird! :P

In the early days, I remember talking with Buster of the Balloon Buddies list and trying to get a handle on my interests. He very wisely said "Someone out there is turned on by just about anything you can imagine. There's probably a guy who thinks frying pans are sexy. There's no explaining it, there is just accepting it." And so I did, and that has always been a guiding force for me: There's probably a frying pan fetish, and if that's okay, what I'm into is just as harmlessly weird and enjoyable. 

I think we are work-safe compared to traditional pornography, but yeah, I wouldn't leave any of this stuff on my work computer. 


There's probably a guy who thinks frying pans are sexy.

That would be Internet rules 34 and 35.






LutherVKane's picture

The early incarnations of BodyInflation.org didn't even qualify as pornographic by conventional standards. This led a number of people in the mainstream media to assume that this site was a joke.

But make no mistake, this site is not safe for work. At least one member lost his job after he used his work email address to register here. Tame as it might be, don't even think about visiting this site from a work computer. We'll all be better off that way.

mosherballoon's picture

Why would you want to use your work email for this site, I use a personal email. Also the person got fired, that seems a bit unfair, prejudice infact if it was because of his sexual tastes. But if he was spending his working day just scrolling through the forums and not doing his job then fair enough. Anyway back on topic, the artical doesnt seem to bash us or anything it just seems to explain what our fetish is, but no doubt there will be some people who dont approve and will spend their time making fun and chasing us down with pitchforks and tourches.

CorpulentArtifice's picture

My guess would be that the user in question wasn't fired for having an inflation fetish, but rather for registering for a sexual fetish forum using a work-provided email address. That sort of thing seems highly unprofessional.

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo


Yeah, my guess is that person was fired for using work equipment for personal use, not necessarily any sort of prejudice against inflation fetishes.  Keep your work equipment for work use only, folks!

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

I feel strangely honored that we made it on a Cracked! article. It's honestly about time given the subject matter they tend to touch upon. That being said I think it's kind of pathetic that a comedy website has made the most down to earth epose of our little community. The furry part just straight up made me bust in laughter (no offense furries!)


^ None taken, Cracked can be an asshole with that.