The "Mine" Game

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GiftedShana's picture
The "Mine" Game

No, this isn't actually about a game, but more about something I saw somewhere a couple years back. I'm not sure if such a thing happened here on these forums but either way, its worth a shot.

The "Mine" game is very simple one. You get one choice of content provider(literature, movies, art, etc.). For the duration of this game, they are yours. Though its not quite as easy as that. When you say provider is yours, you must give a small description about them, and what attracts you to the content they provide. The aspect of this game is to bring together many people from many walks of life to come and contribute to a pool of providers that might otherwise be unknown.

Granted 95% of named providers are likely known by the community at large, but I believe its worth the chance that the one lurker who goes to this one site and follows this one awesome provider, and decides to share it with us, is worth it.

Considering that I created this topic, I shall start:

Plasma-Snake from Deviant art is mine. (

In addition to having spoken to him on multiple occasions, Plas, as he is known as is very modest kind of artist. He has recently slowed his workload, but nevertheless I admire his work due to his style. It feels real and believable, while being adorably cute. His talent varies greatly, as he does plenty of non-human stuff just as well as his human arts.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.


Blue_Eyes's picture

Mine -

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

GiftedShana's picture

Too good.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.


Daemon13's picture

I have loads of providers. Probably on my favs has to be love the guys style and depiction of full body inflation. Great stuff. 

doubleintegral's picture

Hard to pick just one but kidquetzal ( deserves some more page views.  His style is fairly unique and there are relatively few top-notch artists that cater to the full body inflation fans (whereas there are tons of BE artists, belly/pregnancy artists, etc.).

Daemon13's picture

Yh like his style. Agree on there being more a b/e thing out there rather than full body inflation (my thing). Its hard to find a artist that gets my idea of a inflated person spot on 

PartymanX's picture

Here is my DA

Give it a look if you want to.

~Inflate the world~