Prose that Blows 10 - RESULTS!!

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Prose that Blows 10 - RESULTS!!

The results are in! Well they were in a couple of days ago, but I can't always access this website and have a tendency to forget my wordpress password. There were 56 votes, so thanks to all who read the entries and voted. I've listed the top 3 in each category, I can go into more detail if people request it, but didn't feel that it would be in the spirit of the contest to focus on how many votes each person got.

Hit and Run - by Pablote
All In - by Inflate123
Sick - by Throwaway261

Evelyn Corsets - by Ordos Tsceri
Meddle Not - by Chatterwhilesleeping
Blowing Her Socks Off - by Blank

BEST STRETCHY STORY (only three entries)
Hit and Run - by Pablote

Evelyn Corsets - by Ordos Tsceri
= Hit and Run - by Pablote
= Blowing Her Socks Off - by Blank

All In - by Inflate123
Evelyn Corsets - by Ordos Tsceri
Meddle Not - by Chatterwhilesleeping

Evelyn Corsets - by Ordos Tsceri
=Sick - by Throwaway261
=Blowing Her Socks Off - by Blank
=All In - by Inflate123

I'd like to wish a big thank you to all those who entered, we had a very high standard of entry this time around and I hope that first-timers are inspired by this to write more. I've enjoyed running this season's contest, it's nice to be back at the steering wheel and of course I couldn't have done this without the help of Notsosupersaiyan who unfortunately was unable to play a part once it was up and running (busy with real life) or without the excellent groundwork laid down by Pakona and DblIntegral over the years.

Reading each story has been a great pleasure and while I know some of the writers who entered will definitely be writing more in the future as they have in the past, I have enjoyed being able to read some storied by new authors, and I wish them luck now that they can publish their stories here or wherever and hope they are encouraged when they do so to keep writing.

I think we picked a really good topic for the competition (mostly Notso's idea) and I know that we will be back with another contest soon with just as thought provoking a topic. It's been great to see so much variety in how this has been interpreted, from the cartoony to the unashamedly real and even some poetry.

Also I can't finish without saying congratulations to those who have won awards. I know that saying, it's the taking part, not the winning that counts is such a tired old cliche; but in this case you have to bear in mind that people are more likely to vote for things that fit in with their particular fetish, so don't be too disheartened if you didn't win anything this time, keep writing what you love to write and you will get as much ejoyment out of the process as you put in.


Carnatic (and presumably Notso echoes these sentiments)

Below is the list of all the entrants as well as a few comments left by the people who voted for them.

  • All In - by Inflate123
  • Blowing Her Socks Off - by Blank
  • Evelyn Corsets - by Ordos Tsceri
  • Floatatious Fizz - by RJ
  • Hit and Run - by Pablote
  • Meddle Not - by Chatterwhilesleeping
  • More than Yesterday - by Rathani
  • Sick - by Throwaway261
  • Springfield student discovers shocking weight loss trick! - by Beableblob
  • The Inflation Shirt - by Degausser
  • The State Fair - by The Hopeless Optimist



Sorry, I forgot to include the comments left. Here they are:

"Lyrical, well-paced, and well-rounded character!"
Sick - by Throwaway261

"It was a toss-up between Meddle and More, but Meddle is something very unique. We don't often see poetry in this genre."
Meddle Not - by Chatterwhilesleeping

"It has the sexiest floating!"
Meddle Not - by Chatterwhilesleeping

"Epic cartoony action and good image conveyence."
Hit and Run - by Pablote

"I also had the idea for bursting out of armor, but this sir/madam executed it much better- and, of course, submitted it on time. Writing it as poetry was an excellent idea on the writer's part."
Meddle Not - by Chatterwhilesleeping

"most popping"
The State Fair - by The Hopeless Optimist


Hey carnatic, I didn't have a chance to read the stories on the poll. I really want to read the winning one "Hit and Run"...are you going to post them in the library?


If past entries are any indication, they will eventually be posted here.  However, they are all still up on the Prose that Blows website, so you don't need to wait.

Formerly known as unknown.

Inflate123's picture

Thanks all! I'm honored to have won Creative Clothing and made it to the podium for Overall! It is nice seeing the runners-up, and I agree that you don't need to go into numbers. It's good to see which ones resonated with the most people, in general terms. 

Gratz to the winners! 

PS - Whoever did Blowing Her Socks Off, I respect your anonymity, but I hope you write more -- that got my vote for Overall! 


People actually thought Sick was good?  Good enough for 3rd Place overall?  I question the voting public's tastes!  There were plenty more stories better than mine.  I seriously thought first place overall was going to be a toss-up between Mettle and More, and when I voted for More, I thought I was voting for a poem by Rathani.  Funny how that works out, huh?

Formerly known as unknown.


Don't sell yourself short!  Sick was a simple story with a very cute protagonist, and I think that's why your one little rip in the seat of her pants placed in best scene of clothing destruction next to stories where entire outfits are bursting off.  And that's not easy to do in 1200 words.  Hell, I'm one of the people who voted for it :)


There was also some button-popping and some seam-splitting, but as long as you enjoyed it.  Thanks for the vote, and congrats on your win.  First time?  I don't recognize your name, I'm afraid.

Formerly known as unknown.


For the contest, yes, it was my first time.  You?


Entered once before.  Prose that ****s 5: Taboo.  Back then I went by variations of the screen name "unknown."  First contest, and first story.  Oddly enough, tied for 3rd place in Best Overall Story.

Formerly known as unknown.


Ooh, that was around the time I started becoming aware of the contest.  Of all the themes they've done so far, that one seems like the most difficult.


Ooh, that was around the time I started becoming aware of the contest.  Of all the themes they've done so far, that one seems like the most difficult.


Sick was fantastic as a piece, I wanted it to win 1st. I love your writing style it always feels fresh as I read and reread your works.



My apologies to the author of Blowing her Socks off, otherwise known as Blank. I didn't realise when I got their entry that 'Blank' is the name they are actually known as here. I thought they were saying they wished to remain anonymous. Unfortunately it isn't possible to edit original posts in this forum, but if Luther was planning to putting the results out as an announcement and reads this, please put the authors name for Blowing her socks off as 'Blank'

LutherVKane's picture

I've edited the original post. Blank is now listed as the author of Blowing Her Socks Off.

Inflate123's picture

A ha! I have read Blank's work before and really enjoyed it. This now makes sense. :)


Jeez louise, you people.  I keep trying to stay modest, and then you drop this onto my lap?

But seriously, thank you to everyone that voted for my story!  Bring on PtB XI!