How would I Inflate You?: Tis the season for inflation!

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Daemon13's picture
How would I Inflate You?: Tis the season for inflation!

Seasons greetings inflatophiles!

So the last HWIIY? topic trailed off a way back and as Giftedshana started the trend of a topic run by us, im playing necromancer and startin the topic up anew. 

So same thing as before, if you would like a short story written about yourself, please respond below. Include any details you may want adding, physical description, circumstances, types of inflations, medium etc etc. Anyone who fancies writing a story for someone, pls feel to repond to their post and add your story once your finished. 

As the title suggests, the theme for this months (dec-jan; im planning on making this a monthy topic to 'keep the freshness' and have a new theme monthly) is the festive holidays. A christmas wish, trick from one of santas little elves, who knows ;-)

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to PM me. Im always happy to  chat to everyone here.


Have at it folks! And merry christmas to everyone of you.  



Hi! Great to see a new thread being formed about this! 

I'm a male, and the sort of scenario I'd like see is inflating into a complete sphere in a public place (Christmas party?) with some humiliation. Also maybe you can include my girlfriend trying to help me when I'm getting inflated, like she tries to roll me or something (maybe she gets inflated as well?) 

And I like popping! 


Thanks again for getting this started! 

Daemon13's picture

I'll take this one as I believe I said I'd do you a story in the last post and never got round it. When you say completely spherical, do you mean everything get pulled into the ball of you're body or a spherical body with a hea, hands and feet poking out? Ill have it up for you soon.


The latter one with just a spherical body.

Looking forward to it. Thanks! 

Daemon13's picture

Apologies for how long this has taken to write, been very busy with work and the holidays. Anywho, enjoy!


The Christmas Spirit

It was official. This party blowed. You’d been here for nearly two hours with your girlfriend, some Christmas eve party for a guy she knew from work, some scientist at a lab. Your host hadn’t been seen all night, apparently still working, while everyone had to endure cheap drinks and god-awful music. People milled around the dance floor, chatting and looking glum.

‘Look on the brightside’, your girlfriend shouts to you over the current song, ‘at least the booze is cheap’.  You shrug.

You’d been knocking them back for awhile and felt pretty loosened up, just a pity you were wasting your night here. With that, the door from the lab burst open and a dishevelled figure in a white coat running into the centre of the room.

‘I’ve done it! I’ve perfected my Christmas Spirit! Perfect for parties and fun!’  he yelled as the music died down and people looked at the mad figure in front of them. Someone in the back of the room asks what it does. ‘It fills you with jolliness and the Christmas Spirit! Who wants to try some!’ He offers out a little bottle, colourfully decorated like a candy cane.

Helped by the alcohol in your system, you step forward. ‘Hell I’ll try that’ you say and take the proffered bottle, even as your girlfriend says don’t. You uncork the bottle and take a swig. The liquid is slightly warm and tastes of all your Christmas favourites, turkey, mulled wine, chestnuts, eggnog, all distinct and wonderful. It brings a smile to your face. Everyone’s eyes are on you, looking to see what this ‘christmas spirit’ was.

‘Oh my God!’  your girlfriend yells out, ‘your stomach! It’s blowing up!’ pointing with shock on her face.

You look down and sure enough, your belly is growing, rounding, pushing apart the buttons on your shirt. Soon enough, you look 9 months pregnant and the button on your trousers flies off.  ‘What the hell! What have you done to me!’ you yell at the scientist. He merely smiles. Your belt is digging into expanding belly and is causing you a lot of pain. ‘Help’ you scream, ‘I’m gonna be cut in two!’ Nobody moves, some even have smiles on their faces, watching you blow up. The expansion isn’t now just restricted to your stomach, your entire body is turning spherical or it would if your belt wasn’t in the way. Even your arms and legs are thickening, becoming stiff. Your clothes can barely take the strain, your shirt is practically in tatters and your trousers are being pulled apart at the seams.

Your girlfriend rushes forward and drops to her knees in front of you, wrestling with your belt. The pressure is unbelievable and after a minute, the belt gives way causing a massive surge in your body, causing you to fling your arms out and fall on your huge round back. Your girlfriend is knocked several feet back by your belly. Everyone laughs, thinking this is hilarious. They’re pointing and laughing at you both.

With a final rip, the rest of your clothes fall away, leaving you a naked round balloon, helpless and only able to wiggle your feet and hands.  The pressure in your body is intense, yet you still keep expanding. You’re not sure how much more you can take. It’s too much. Everyone is looking, backing up, as your body starts to tremble. ‘Here we go folks!’ the mad doctor yells.

BANG!!! The room fills with multicoloured light and sparkle, like a firework...

You open your eyes, looking around the room. Everyone is staring at you, huddled on the floor, naked.

‘See! Completely safe! Fantastic for parties! Now who wants to try some! Though unlike our friend here, you may want to strip before you take it, you don’t want to ruin your clothes!


People clamour at the doctor, reaching out for the bottles he’s pulled from his pockets, unbuttoning their shirts and pulling down trousers. Your girlfriend kneels next to you on the floor, stripped to the waist and taking off her panties, a brightly coloured bottle in her hand. ‘Looks fun’ she says with smirk on her face.... 


A holiday themed story sounds like fun.

I am male of above average height. I am somewhat built, but not fat. I would like to be inflated with hot air and have it be at a secluded snowed in location (maybe a farm or a cabin). Popping is always a plus and I like to be bounced on or played around with.

MixMaster (not verified)

I'm partial to Inflate123's description in "Christmas Protocol", still the best present to open I'v ever heard of.

mosherballoon's picture

I'm Male, average build, into full body inflation and clothes destruction, no popping. I like being humiliated, I like to people see my slipknot t shirt be revealed from under a shirt and be found out to be a Mosher. Hehe


Male, average build. I do enjoy full body inflation and no popping. Doesnt matter how just like to be inflated nice and round

The rounder the better

Phobos001's picture

Here you go:

You let out a satisfied sigh as you lay back in the recliner of your living room, having just gotten out of the shower and wearing nothing but a tight-fitting robe. Your right hand occupies a mug of hot chocolate, freshly brewed and steaming. The only source of light is a warmth-emmiting fireplace, it's orange flickering of light casting surreal shadows across the room. You spent a lot of time setting the tree up and decorating it with various shiny objects and small lights, and your work seems to have paid off because it looks absolutely gorgeous. You kick your legs up along with the leg rest and take a sip of your delicious beverage. You start wondering if there is nothing better than the feeling you're having right now when a violent sounding explosion of noise thunders out from the kitchen, causeing the entire house to shake.

Obviously sudden explosions are very rare, if not unheard of, so you sensibly get up and investigate. You slowly start peaking into the kitchen, acting very cautious and scanning every minute detail of the room. After a through search you realize that absolutley nothing happened. A mere drift from the window, perhaps?

You scratch your head, not because you were confused (even though you were), but because some soap was left behind in your hair and was starting to itch. This scratching was going very well until you suddenly bump your defenseless pinky-toe on a hidden metal object and curse abrubtly.

After rubbing your pain-stricken toe, which was obviously the fault of the strange metal object and not because you wern't paying any attention, you inspect the strange metal object. It's very wide, cyndrical, about half a foot tall, and was decorated with different christmas decals and drawings. You pick up the strange christmas object and turn it in your hands to reveal, or rather realize, that what you were holding a tank of helium.

A flush of red fills your face and you shyly set the tank down. You're unsure if this is some kind of trick, or a cruel mockery from someone that had discovered your desire of being inflated not unlike a large party balloon. You've kept it as your most personal secret, of which had anyone discovered you would promptly vacate to a different galaxy. You start becoming rather concerned, as evidenced by your rather uncertain expression, until you read the note that was taped expertly to the side of the tank.

"A special someone that loves you had requested I make this. I don't judge, but this is a rather strange present for me to make. You'll know what to do with it, I suppose. Also for the love of god, don't let anything puncture this. It's holding around 84 million liters of helium and would probably level the entire planet. No pressure.  -Santa"

It wasn't the fact that santa himself made this that confused you. It also wasn't the 'special someone' that had requested it in the first place. Nor was it even the fact that you now possesed a possible terrorist weapon that worked by throwing it on the ground hard enough. The thing that confused you, the single lingering question in your mind, was "Does it actually work?"

You decided there was only one way to find out.

You pick up the tank and walk to the middle of your living room, setting it down extra gently. Rubbing your belly cautiously, you stand over the tank and slowly lower yourself onto it, the fact that you were wearing a robe making this process a bit easier. The nozzle of the tank was pointing straight up and very gladly invited your buttocks onto it, the cool metal being pushed up in your body, making you shiver. You end up sitting right on the tank like a stool.

A deeper shade of red makes itself present and you start feeling your member coming to life, as if waking from a deep slumber. The sensation is blissful, and you stroke it with your index finger, letting out a quiet moan of pleasure. You sigh as you place a nervous hand on the valve of the tank, heavily hesitating before slowly turning it. Realizing you turned it the wrong way, you turn it in the opposite direction and feel a gradual trickle of helium get pumped into your body.

You tried inflating yourself with helium before, using the remenents of a tank from a friends party. You didn't get very big before you became rather ill. This was something else entirely. First, the helium was much, much stronger in terms of lift, practically flying through your intestines and pooling inside your gut somewhere. Second, you wern't feeling ill. In fact, you felt amazing, wave after wave of refreshing relaxation overtaking you. And finally, you were starting to inflate.

It was slow initially; a small pudge in the lower part of your stomach. Then you turned the valve a bit more, and it became much stronger. Your gut started pushing against your robe, and you rubbed it in astonishment with your right hand. Your left hand started slowly working your member again, causing you to breathe a bit heavier.

Soon, your precious tummy was pushing very tightly on your robe, a sensation that wasn't unwelcome, adding to the whole 'being blown up like a balloon' idea. Your belly had bloated out a good two feet, your robe struggling to keep it contained. The helium warring violently inside you gave a tickling sensation across your whole body. This was because the helium was starting to push itself into different parts of you.

You watched your hands and arms puff up like sausages, slowly becoming more balloon like and taut. Your legs swelled and squeaked with each passing second, slowly become more and more immobile. At this point you were pumping your swelling rod with vigorus power. This was the sexiest you have ever felt. Forget vibrators, or inflatable butt plugs, or anything of the sort. This was the epitome of pleasure.

That is, until your arms became stiff with immense pressure and lightness, making it impossible to turn off the tank. Then it was rather terrifying. Then you felt your body becoming more and more sphereical, ripping your robe off your body, and the fear subsided. If a Guinness World Records agent was here, you would have won a certificate for Shortest time spent being afraid.

The tightness was growing exponentially inside your balloon of a body, creaking and squeaking with the smallest movements. You tried to look down, but your massivly bloated front prevented this from happening. The only thing you saw that was worthwhile was how shiny your skin had become, reflecting the dancing orange flames of the fireplace and giving a sense of helplessness.

Suddenly, your attention was drawn to your bloated shaft. It was tight, sensitive, and rubbing against the underside of your belly. At the same time, you could feel your body flushing red and tensing up. You shut your eyes as the pleasure multiplies from the intense tautness of your skin. A moan of both satisfaction and discomfort tries to escape your lips.

A surge of tautness comes over you, and you let out a quiet whimpering sound as you ball your fists and curl your toes. You braced yourself, feeling every part of your body strain and heard it's creaks and squeaks. Soon, you start shaking, the sensation reaching it's climax...

Your body tremors violently and you let out a yell as your member shoots several loads across the carpet, several minutes passing until the massive orgasm ceased. You pant heavily and as best as you can, overwhelmed in the afterglow of what was the most amazing orgasm you've ever had. Once you've settled down again, you realize the tank had stopped pumping helium.

Soon, you become rather comfortable in your ballooned state, sighing and nearly being lulled to sleep. A clicking sound is heard and the nozzle retracts into the tank, slipping out of your bum and letting you float up to the ceiling. You yelp from the sudden bounces before resting calmly, completely nude and round as a ball. Again, you start slowly fading into a deep sleep, very much enjoying what was to be the best christmas ever.

Blueberry boy 17

I'm 6'1". And into blueberry inflation. I'm slim, and for inflation don't mind what you do. Let your mind run free. Just no sexual theme

InflatedAlaska's picture

Hi! I'm a guy, and I was thinking of a story where my boyfriend force inflates me for snooping in the christmas presents.

TheFalcon3's picture

I'm male, about 6' tall, slim, average build, I have glasses as well. I like the hose in the mouth routine, full body inflation, clothes destruction, humiliation, and teasing. I also prefer cartoonish inflations, by that I mean being flattened before being inflated. No popping though, I like just about any filling too, my favorites though are helium and air. I don't mind sexual stuff either, I actually like penis inflation so that is welcome. I wouldn't mind being flattened by a woman and being used as her human blow up decoration, or even as her float in a Christmas parade. 

GiftedShana's picture

You flatter me Daemon, but its good to keep topics like this around. Its fun and interesting, and it keeps some form of content steady within the community.

Furthermore, would anyone like to take on my story? I'm feeling for a Mrs. Claus sort of story with a inflatable gift that go awry. I'm 5'8 myself, brunette. I'm into inflation anything, but I'd like the tale to be non-sexual, just go with the innocent holiday feeling. Make it mischievious, cute, playful or what have you. BE, B2E, Butt inflation, body, giantess, is all good with me. Just flow with the feel of the season.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.



hmm, maybe I'll do something for you. Yes, I know its late and all lol, but still

GiftedShana's picture

Not a problem, thank you much!

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.



5'10 black male slim/muscular build into full body inflation. Love the idea of suddenly blowing up out of my clothes in front of my friends, all of us shocked and amazed as I grow bigger and bigger before their eyes. Me blushing hard as my already big butt gets even bigger. No popping, but once I'm done growing be fun to have them poke me and roll me around some. Emphasis on clothing destruction appreciated.


I was thinking that to earn some muh needed cash for presents I take on the role of a shopping mall santa. Being a 29 year old white irish (first xmas in the states) guy this isnt exactly top of my list of things to do. And to top it all off there is a "celeBRATy" who I will have to put up with for the whole first day.

It turns out the celeb is (well I will leave that up to you) and she seems to be infested with the christmas spirit and is dissapointed that I dont quite fill out the Sanata Claus suit!

Perhaps the machine that creates fake snow or even utilising the build a bear shop close by could help her give me alot more x-rated xmas spirit ;P

(and as always christmas shopping starts with a bang!)


This puts a HUGE grin on my face!

Fancy, once she's done with you, being a well overstuffed santa perched in the entrance to the shop. Eager shoppers come charging into the store as soon as it opens, brushing past you, assuming your some overinflated bit of christmast deco junk. 'celeBRATy' feels her giant santa should be getting more attention, so she decides to make him a bit bigger. Shoppers casually watch as your already enormous body starts expanding. More and more people crowd around as your santa suit stretches and splits at the seams. Nobody quite cottons on to your wiggling limbs and groans of complaint, still assuming your some christmas deco being inflated. Suddenly.. BOOMF! Santa explodes and fake snow floods the store. Shoppers cheering at the christmassy display while 'celeBRATy' saunters away with a grin on her face.

Daemon13's picture

Those sound like great ideas guys. Tell you what, check back here at the end of the week and there may be a late xmas gift for you both!


Helloo.  Female , kinda chubby ;)avarage height , I love balloon and the 3 Bs (boobs , belly , and butt ) mostly enjoy air or helium inflation but blueberry enjoyable too , soo... How you gunna blow me up?

chat with me,yahoo: balloonchick47
or visit my dA page :


oh can someone write something for me?
I just love belly inflation, not my whole body. Have a strange thing for my bellybutton. Maybe inflated with a hose in my bellybutton or when I'm inflated a vibrator or something...
I just love to be used or humiliated. Can't wait to see a good story!

meet me on twitter: @MeAndMyBigBelly