Looking for casual rper's

Since I'm usually so busy lol. Doesn't really matter what your interest's are(though I'd like to have some varity lol), I'd rp with you. Though I'd be nice to keep it through messages on here, or notes on dA if you have an account(mine's Kibzz)



I'd be up to it to rp with you. Message me what'd you'd be willing to do and let's see if we can plot. :)


also looking for someone who doesn't mind being the inflater instead of the inflatee(which is most people on here I'd think). I go both way's really, but sometimes you have a preference for one or the other lol

Daemon13's picture

Hey. Id be up for a casual bit of rp. Would have to be whenever life allows but sounds like thats what ur after. Im up for inflatee or inflator. Feel free to message me on here.