A Brand New Me
Hey everyone!
As you may or may not be aware, I have been reborn. The gods of the Internet have bestowed upon me their divine power to make me of greater potential than ever before!
But enough about that. For my first new story I would like to question you on the suitablity of a new character. His name is Professor Mario Palloncino, and he is an Italian scientist who carries out researches and studies into the world of female inflation. He first developed his fascination with this remarkable defience of human science when he was a young boy in Naples, where he witnessed a young woman inflate her breasts from breathing in the fresh air to a great extent.
This lead him to look into medical journals and medical history in his teens to see if this occurrence could be explained, yet he found that no such case had ever been recorded before. This lead him to create his own records of female inflation from as a young man up until today. The stories that will follow are a collection of his research and studies at the Universita di Palloncini.
Please leave a comment on whether this is a good idea or not. I am fully open to consutrcutive criticism on how to improve it.
Thanks very much,
Deep Breath In
It sounds really neato! I wouldn't read it… But that's cause I'm really dumb! You should keep working on this! Cause it sounds like super coolio!
I'm a pretty kitty~