i replyed, hoping your intrested in this. im eger to get something underway
looking for writers or hypno file makers for a blueberry inflation with a bad ending, details inside.
Looking for writers or hypno file makers
i want a blueberry inflation, only replace the blueberry with me becoming a giant rotten egg.
and just like violet i want my tf/inflation to be caused similarly by being made to swallow the thing im becoming.
as i become the ultimate rotten egg.
alternativly i could become a blue berry too so long as im slowly crushed to death in the jucer as i am made into pie filling/juce/jam
i love bad ends for myself.
and we all know what happens to bad eggs dont we?
hoping for a bad end for the bad egg hehe
futher talk can be done if any are intrested in this comish and or request. if ya wish for $$ or not
im still looking if any takers,
I need some touch up on the Bluberification style. Why not :) Sending you a PM.
sent a pm, i sent one way it can happen but if youve better thats ok so long as i swell up into a huge massive rotten egg and meet my end down the garbage chute in the furnace im fine.
so any writers??
just bumping as im still looking for this
another bump
im still loking for this no one has responed back to me, from the above so technacly still open for this
This is sounds pretty cool, actually. PM incoming.
That actually sounds kind of interesting. Sending you a PM.
Stories I have written