Moment you felt embarrassed / excited / aroused watching an inflation in a movie with someone?

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doctorbo's picture
Moment you felt embarrassed / excited / aroused watching an inflation in a movie with someone?

I'm sure you all lived that, inflation being often our own, often secret kink, watching a cartoon, movie or tv show with someone and an unsuspected inflation show up.

Now that inflation appeal to your inflation fetichism and get you feeling embarrassed / excited / aroused watching it with someone.

I'm sure it all happened to you... here a case where it did this to me (more to come as the tread roll);

- As a teen, when my inflation fetichist was now full blown (pun intended or not) yet I still think I'm about alone loving this (it's the 10990's before the Internet is widespread).
I'm at a friend house and he pops in Repossessed (1990) that he just caought on late night tv. He already watched it but it's a Lesly Nielsen comedy so he put it on - then they're that gym scene where the girl in the yellow leotard pump up her boobies while flexing and my friend go "oh, this one is funny, look at her it, look at it!" and my breath just stops!
He laugh all the way to the end of the scene, covering the BANG sound at the end of it signifying the poor girl pumped herself too big. I'm still gasping, my friend realize I missed the last punch since he was laughing while I secretly want to immediately watch the scene 15 times over since I found it so kinky. So he rewind it back for me to catch it and we finish the movie, me still gasping for air since I never tought I could see such a fantasy take life on the screen. I asked for the tape to bring home and watched endlessly. I never dared confess my fetichism in fron my friend but fell in love with that scene. To this day all I see when I hear "Pump up the jam" on the radio all I see is that girl pumping her boobs like balloon up to bursting point!


Visit the doctor's office:


2005 Violet blueberry scene with my friend.


Thankfully I was under a sleeping bag at the time.

doctorbo's picture

I can totally see that!


I went to see the 2005 take on the film with friends at the cinema. After the first scene I realized they're would be the blueberry scene - I'm not dead-on on blueberry inflation but always found it cute and eh, it's inflation! Thus I awaited it with fetishist haste, so to speak. I managed to keep a poker face as the whole scene blossomed and was pleasently arounsed by it ;)

Visit the doctor's office:


Saw it in the cinema with my girlfriend at the time, my heart nearly exploded out of my chest with concealed excitement. She could feel it... ^_^;
Good times. 

GiftedShana's picture

Dude, Where's my Car with my sister and Terminator 3 with my family.

Ooooooh what laughs they got out of it, if only they knew.


Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.


Bapho's picture

Watching Aunt Marge's inflation scene in Prisoner of Azkaban with an ex of mine who, at that time, knew about my fetish. She'd literally just found out the week before, so it was still in that weird kind of territory.


Can totally understand that. ^_^


Okay, so I totally knew this one was coming because I've read all the books (and fantasized about this one numerous times) but I had told myself "oh, this isn't going to be any big deal, it's going to be a quick ten-second scene with some cheap prop or something, no way are they going to put actual effort into this because it's a minor scene that has nothing to do with the rest of the series."  So I'm in the theater with my dad and my brother, and it gets to the part, and I'm like "okay, no problem, this will be nothing."  The moment her fingertip started puffing up I internally went "...ohhhh crap."  To this day that remains one of my favorite scenes (if only the victim was a little more ... agreeable) but I can tell you I was certainly thankful I had another two hours of darkness in the theater to calm myself down from that.




Okay, so I totally knew this one was coming because I've read all the books (and fantasized about this one numerous times) but I had told myself "oh, this isn't going to be any big deal, it's going to be a quick ten-second scene with some cheap prop or something, no way are they going to put actual effort into this because it's a minor scene that has nothing to do with the rest of the series."  So I'm in the theater with my dad and my brother, and it gets to the part, and I'm like "okay, no problem, this will be nothing."  The moment her fingertip started puffing up I internally went "...ohhhh crap."  To this day that remains one of my favorite scenes (if only the victim was a little more ... agreeable) but I can tell you I was certainly thankful I had another two hours of darkness in the theater to calm myself down from that.


Cartoons. Always some sort of inflation happens and I have to get up and leave


doctorbo's picture

The one time I got up and left was when friend were watching Big Trouble in Little China when Mr Thunder blow up and explode - I always felt really akward toward this scene as it was my kink per say (inflation), but the fact that it's gruesome, gross and feature a man always left me uneased toward it. I understand anyone liking it - it's a very well-crafted scene - but it leave me more troubled than anything.

Of course my friend went up and said "man, you just missed the part when the big chinese guy swell up and burst - it's so funny!"...

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Daemon13's picture

Love that scene and movie. Hence the profile pic.


That scene actually gave me nightmares as a kid hehe, the animation scared me half to death haha

Daemon13's picture

It did me. Before i equated inflation to be a fetish, it actually scared me as a kid, then i realised it was actually sexually gratifying. I love Thunders inflation, doesnt bother me that its a guy and its one of the only scene ive ever foumd that has depictions of feet and hands inflating too (which i love). Love the sight of his feet bursting his shoes apart. 

You may also be interested to know that if the budget had been higher and effects been able to pull it off, John Carpenter stated that instead of exploding as he did, Thunder would have mini-popped and gone wizzing round the room until he was completely deflated like a toy balloon.

doctorbo's picture

I know the feeling of being scared / perplexed from a scene that turn into something quite diffrent as an adult. As French-Canadian I've been exposed to many variation of the Frog and the Ox and The Frog who wished to be as big as an Ox as a kid; on tv, at school, in storybook at the library, etc!

Else like I said I totally get someone within our group will dig Mr Thunder demise - indeed it feature many different cue, ideas and angle not seen much, even less with that level of quality and commitment.

Visit the doctor's office:

CorpulentArtifice's picture

Whenever I'm watching something with my family or friends and an inflation scene comes up, I usually just mentally distance myself from what's happening on-screen, so as to not let anyone figure out how I feel about it, lol.  For example, I remember going to see the 2005 version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when it came out with a couple friends, and as soon as they entered the Inventing Room I just applied my best mental (and to an extent, literal) poker face.  This wasn't long after I realized my fetish for what it was; if I could maintain my composure then, when I was much more easily excited, I shouldn't have trouble now, lol.

Though now that the guy I'm dating knows about my fetish, I really wonder what would happen if we were watching something like that together... xP

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo

doctorbo's picture

It'll happen sooner or later - my ex girlfriend, once she knew, was good at picking these moment and tease me about it "Oh, I guess you're pretty exited now aren't you?"

They're that great breast expansion scene in Jekill and Hyde: Together again that she noted up - I was already having a hard time keeping me pokerface as the scene unfolded - she made me blush!

Visit the doctor's office:


For me I always watched Violet and Willy Wonka by myself. I watched it as a kid and stole the VHS tape soon after. I remember wanting to be Violet for the longest time. Then when i was around 12 my cousin and I rented Leprechaun 3 from Blockbuster. As soon as we got to the scene where Loretta inflates I knew I had a fetish. As soon as her boobs started to inflate I turned it off. Couldn't watch it with him in the room, so I made up some dumb excuse as to why I didn't want to watch it anymore. Then when he left, I watched the scene over and over, and got so turned on I didn't leave the room for hours. Same thing happens now everytime an inflation scene comes up no matter how small or big. It happens everytime. :) 

Blue_Eyes's picture

I had a BF who was really into movies by Tim Burton. So when the new Willy Wonka movie came out we had to go see it. The theatre was actually fairly private by the time we got to see it and once that Violet scene was shown.....things happened and afterwards he asked what brought that on. Thus he knew my "secret".

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)

The closest thing I ever had to this sorta thing happened a long time ago when I was in high school. I was hanging out at a friend's house watching reruns on TV when the "Willy Wonka" episode from That 70's Show came on. 

Since I had already seen this particular episode many times before, I knew when that "scene" was coming up and I just tried to play it cool when Jackie blew up and had to be rolled out of the room. My friend however was quite amused from the whole thing and he kept quoting the lines from the movie, while I just sat there poker-faced.

If only he knew...but I'm glad he never did.

mosherballoon's picture

I always try my best to avoid situations like that. Like when Willy Wonka or CatCF are on tv I will make sure I am not around for a certain scene. Although I have been in suprised by unexpected inflations whilst watching tv, like on the simpsons. It was a itchy and scratchy segment and it just sort of came and went, I kept my head down and avoided eye contact. Also I have been at a friends house and his older sister (quite attractive) put Harr Potter 3 on, and I watched as Aunt Mare blew up and she giggled at it, again I kept quiet. After experiences like it though I tend to be aroused and think if only they knew haha. 

mosherballoon's picture

I always try my best to avoid situations like that. Like when Willy Wonka or CatCF are on tv I will make sure I am not around for a certain scene. Although I have been in suprised by unexpected inflations whilst watching tv, like on the simpsons. It was a itchy and scratchy segment and it just sort of came and went, I kept my head down and avoided eye contact. Also I have been at a friends house and his older sister (quite attractive) put Harr Potter 3 on, and I watched as Aunt Mare blew up and she giggled at it, again I kept quiet. After experiences like it though I tend to be aroused and think if only they knew haha. 


Just yesterday was the first time since the whole Charlie and the Chocolate Factory remake that this happened to me. Tried to laugh off the scene in Dude Where's My Car, I think I played it off well but I felt slightly embarassed for some reason. 


DrBo I am in a similar boat to you and the movie Repossessed. To fully impress in everyone the extent of my embarrassment requires some explaining. If I'm right Reopessessed had just released on VHS, I think it was 92 or 93 maybe as I was 14 when this happened. My aunt, uncle (who's a perv) and 4 cousins were visiting. Our family is parents and six kids including me. So it was a full house. My dad and uncle took me with them to pick out movies. Now all three of us are Leslie N fans having watched all the Naked Gun movies etc.  my uncle spotted it first and we rented it. So there we are a family with 10 kids and both fathers (moms were in the kitchen which has a look through TO the living room) and the gym scene with Miss Yellow Leotard domes on. I'm sitting on the sofa with my uncle standing just behind it (ME!) and he starts nudging me saying stuff like "wow look at her noobs go!".  I had this sudden panic attack that he somehow KNEW about my fetish!   I nearly passed out with worry, I was enjoying the scene but sweating bullets and not because I was excited about it. He does this like 4 or 5 times and some of the others keep looking at him & me. Than when she explodes he goes "Holy shit did her boobs blow up?"  So he rewinds the entire breast expansion part and replays it!  I was now pale and mortified.  He spent the rest of the movie talking to my dad about how funny it was that her boobs exploded.  


Now this guy is no longer my uncle. Go figure as I don't know WHO could possibly stand my aunt for 12 minutes let alone 12 years. But to this day I'm connived he is at least a closet BE fetishist.