Male Returning to RP, Need Partners, Looking for Male or Female, Yes to Popping

Hey folks! I used to roleplay some, but I fell out of habit and now I'm looking to get back into it. I'm happy to pop or be popped, and to RP with men or women. I usually brainstorm before starting the RP itself, but I'm flexible and I can usually dive into an RP head first if need be. I'm okay with or without sexual content, but popping is almost a must. I'm willing to negotiate with the right person, but for the most part I like inflation to end in popping, or an otherwise bad end.

If any of this sounds good to you then please don't hesitate to contact me at:

My AIM: inflationpurveyor



CorpulentArtifice's picture

As someone who may be returning to the RP scene himself, I took the liberty of adding you to both my AIM and YIM contacts. Hopefully we'll get a chance to have some inflationary discourse in the near future. :P

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo


your profile said not to contact you about role playing, but if you want to look me up some time, I am on Yahoo.



The rounder the better


Hey I added you. :)


If any of you are interested go ahead and add me. YIM: Inflator2003.


If any of you are interested go ahead and add me. YIM: Inflator2003.


I'm interested; I normally do 3-5 line responses in my RP's and expect similar responses. I enjoy popping (no berry, it does nothing for me). YIM me at Warning: I live on Chicago time.