Male seeking female inflator

Hello all,

I took a bit of a break from RPing, but am now in the mood again and looking for new partners. Ideally I am looking for female inflators who don't mind being a little sadistic. I love being forced to inflate against my will with popping of any sort, or at least a "bad end" if popping is too much for you. I can play a male or female part, but prefer my inflators to be female. I can also take turns playing as the inflator, but most people I have played with prefer being inflated, so I usually end up in the inflator role, when deep down I want to be the victim a little more often.

As far as types of inflation I like, pretty much everything goes. Air, water, juice, blueberrification, stuffing (with cream or gel... not a fan of other food stuffs), blow kiss, magic, voodoo, etc.

Anyway, just send me a quick message on here, or email if you are interested.

I have skype and yahoo, but am rarely on them unless I am specifically on there to RP, so email is the best way to get my attention.

Thanks :)


One bump, just for the lulz


One more, most likely useless, bump.

AshyPie's picture

I'd love to help but I am the opposite of a sadistic inflator… I'm sorry…

I'm a pretty kitty~


Bump for old times' sake


Sounds like fun, I am willing to be the inflator.

feel free to look me up at,, for role playing.