New, looking to RP

Female, 23, night owl in GMT-5. Interested in male and female RP partners.

I've lurked on this site for a few years and I'd like to become more involved now. I prefer "heavy" inflation (water, extreme lactation, magic, deus ex machina, etc) but I'm not uninterested in "light" inflation with air or other gasses. I enjoy bursting out of clothing but it isn't a requirement for me. I usually prefer to be the inflatee but I can be an inflator with female partners; I'm also comfortable with mutual inflation. I'm usually open to trying new things.

 My preferred types of inflation include:

  • Breast
  • Butt
  • Belly
  • Hourglass
  • Full body
  • Any combination of the above

 My squick list:

  • Popping
  • Needles
  • Clowns
  • Food during sex
  • Gore
  • Vore

My preferred channels of contact are gmail (almost always signed in if available), skype (usually not signed in but that can change), and yahoo (almost never signed in, rarely checked for messages). Please PM for details.

AshyPie's picture

Wanna do a mutual inflation! I've never inflated with a girl! PM me!
Please! I think it'll be lots of fun! =P

I'm a pretty kitty~


I've returned from a lengthy hiatus and am looking for roleplay partners once again. As such I'm updating my introductory post.

I'm still GMT-5 (east coast US) timezone. I still have a preference for heavy fills. For light fills, air is fun but I don't care for buoyant ones like helium.

My preferred types of inflation include:

  • Breast
  • Butt
  • Hourglass
  • Full body
  • Any combination of the above, including belly

Grey area list (I'd like to avoid, tolerable at best):

  • Popping
  • Stuffing

My squick list:

  • Needles
  • Clowns
  • Gore
  • Vore
  • Scat
  • Nonconsensual intimacy
  • Disbelief in gender equality

My preferred channels of contact are gmail and yahoo, skype has fallen out of regular use for me but that can change again if needed. Give my profile a read if you're interested, please pm me for details.


You should all *totally* send her a message.  One of the best players I've ever been lucky enough to meet.


I wanna rp