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Curiousity Inflated the Redhead
"Look at that pathetic face, you rubber slut! ahhaha mmmphph mmmphph!!!"
Nicole yelled at the redhead, right before puffing up her own cheeks to mock the way she looked. She had that thick air hose, shoved firmly in place between Cheeky's lips and she was pushing the poor girl's head from behind, to make sure there was no way she could escape or spit it out...
"We told you a thousand times bitch, never go through our hidden folders while we are at work! ....and it seems now it's time to see if all our inflation morphs... can actually come to life!"
an enraged Jane yelled furiously at the other side of the infalting redhead, while poking hard on her cheek making an air stream come hissing out of her lower lip piercing. Cheeky looked something out of a cartoon, her cheeks had puffed up to extreme size in seconds and her boobs were ballooning outwards, bulging and streching her black top with no signs of slowing down in rate and in size. She was in total shock while the pressure was building up enormously in her by the second, making her cross-eyed expression even more pathetic and hilarious, while moaning in loud MPPHHHs filling the room with rubber streching balloon sounds coming from her inflating body.
"Hey Nicole look! She looks like that morph i did of hers earlier in the summer by the seaside, you know the one where she was wasted on beers and that guy came and hosed her while she was dancing before she had a chance to react, remember?"
Jane said to Nicole, while the ballooning Cheeky moaned even louder through the hose at the hearing of this insanelly humiliating scenario her roomate had come up with...
"Oh yeah! She sure does, that night was a hell of a chance to shoot her so many pics...that bitch was so wasted she danced like a slut all night long... although i think she is now starting to look more like that other morph you did of hers, you know, the one in the camping where this jealous girl came from the nearby tent, shoved that huge hose in her mouth and inflated her so huge she was able to cast shadow over a 10-tent area with her boobs and buttocks so huge, the entire camping thought she was some kind of a parade sex-float rather than an actual girl..."
Nicole responded, and indeed Cheeky started to look huge, she was still muffle-moaning fiouriously in anger through the hose while the pressure was starting to enter and strech other areas of her body. Her ass and thighs where starting to resemble track tires and her boobs were now the size of overinflated beachballs...she looked like an extremelly overinflated readhead lovedoll, an hourglass blimp of inflated sexyness... both Nicole and Jane loved the sight so much, they had no intention of stopping it, it was like all their dreams and digital fantasies were coming alive right in front of their eyes, the joy was too much to think straight no matter how hard they tried.
"Hahahaha sure i remember, that morph was so damn good!"
yelled back Jane while a wicked thought came to her mind and she grined back at Nicole...
"Maybe we should see if that morph i did of hers last month can actually come to life... you know the one where she gets so huge she covers half the town hehe...".
Nicole grined back wickedly... "Sure, that 'll teach her!"
she said while holding the hose as firmly as ever shoved between the redhead's lips and turned the tank valve to the max... Cheeky went wide-eyed again as the pressure tripled and her boobs ass and limbs shoot out in all directions inflating to a huge size, while she moaned MMMPPPPHHHs with all her strenght and the rubber and streching sounds continued increasing in volume and echoing even louder in the room. It was going to be a very long day for the redhead, she shouldn't have messed around with her roomate's secret folders and she deserved her punishment while the girls took her to the backyard where many more cannisters were waiting...

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