a suit inflation sketch from latecomer for waylander ballooned and missmolly

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a suit inflation sketch from latecomer for waylander ballooned and missmolly

Text to accompany my newest sketch request (just uploaded, another in the ongoing series of workplace misadventures for the hapless MissMolly) is as follows:

"Be a key player in a new advertising campaign- the SKY'S THE LIMIT!" the ad said.

"Unprededented opportunity for PERSONAL GROWTH!", the personnel manager said. 

"Rise to the top of an EXPANDING ORGANIZATION!", the account manager said. 

MissMolly naturally thought she'd be modelling the latest in inflation fashions after aceing the interview, helium bottle and all... but on her first day on the job, she learned otherwise...



interesant...inflatables suits and costumes or only body?

inflatables costumes, suits and clothings


Ahh, Dracon... that's the thing of it... there's a bit of ambiguity there, on purpose. You can "understand" the drawing in either manner- whichever you prefer-  the choice is yours. Enjoy!




And there was me thinking youd forgotten about me, so kind :)


Waylander! Don't be silly. You're a fan!

Always looking for new themes to explore. In fact, I'm posting a blowback sketch soon- would that interest you?

as ever, 
