What is this from?

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What is this from?

Anyone know what episode this is from?



MixMaster (not verified)

I'm sorry guy, I don't mean to offend, but what is up with the ponies? I've seen this show and I have no idea why so many people are obsessed with having sexual fantasies about these horses, it's like wanking it to the Care Bears. Granted, if that's your thing, go for it. I just lack the insight as to why this show in particular's fan base is made up primarily adult males when it was clearly designed for adolescent females and I frankly find it kind of creepy in that aspect... Ok, I'm trying not to judge, but this is really damn difficult at this point.


"I just lack the insight as to why this show"

You said it yourself ;) 

I am not into bronys myself, but I can understand that someone gets a fetish early in their childhood and carry them out

through their adult lives...LIKE EVERYONE ON THIS FORUM!!! FACEPALM -_-

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

MixMaster (not verified)

No dude, this show has only been out for 4 years and so far from what I have seen in person as well as the internet, there is an overwhelming amount of ADULT men worshipping this show and it's characters. We're way past the point of "developing a fetish in their early childhood" or even latter stages of sexual development. I wouldn't be so adamant about pushing this issue, but I see it EVERYWHERE and up to this point, I have tolerated it; but, just because I tolerate it doesn't mean it can't piss me off. They will literally preach at their conventions, back to the "worshipping" thing I was talking about, about "love and tolerance" but show a hint of dissident opinions about them and their show, you'll see some "love and tolerance"

This is why I need to give less of a fuck sometimes, it's stressful, I am powerless to stop any of it, a just... hell. A guy sticking his dick into a stuffed pony when I generally associate these ponies as play things for young girls is just kind of fucked up to me.






I think the time to stop talking about thing you know nothing about is now.

It was a 80's TV show and commercials that was made to sell toys.

Lot of the kids back then loved this, therefore many grown men today love the show.

And it gets a lot of newcomers. 

I was curious what this brony thing on youtube was all about so I watched a 20 minutes documentary. Quite interesting and funny actually.

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

darth_clone19's picture

I dont know about any fetish, but many people around the web, like movie and TV revieweres have usually commented on how surprisingly well written the show is.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


i eel that it doesnt relly matter what its from, as long as itss inflation

Inflate123's picture

And every pony fan says "I just don't understand why you would have sexual fantasies about people being inflated...it's like tossing it to the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade." 

I'm a little baffled by bronies too, but I have to assume I look just as weird to them. So I just accept we're all weird. :) 

Torterra Inflation

I say just let the bronies like what they like. There is, after all, a difference between bronies and ponyphiles after all, the latter being taking it too far, of course.


Unfortunately, the image link is broken for me, but Pinkie Pie does inflate in two episodes: the episode where she exhibits her Pinkie Sense, and again in the ep "Too Many Pinkie Pies" where one of the clones expands before disappearing.

inflatingclothes's picture

I liked the pinkie pies inflation and don't forget applejack gets inflated by spike,

I'll admit that i was a brony until i saw a fan made doc on you tube where one of the guys says it's my religion.

I like to inflate the human version of them older EG


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