Party Girl 6

The sixth and final part of the "Party Girl" sequence.

Party Girl 6
Average: 4.5 (55 votes)
I feel like her bra would

I feel like her bra would just go RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP


mearsob (not verified)
Update: the artist came back.

Update: the artist came back. His name is astralantipode and you can find him/her at The artist isn't doing requests or commissions at this time, but may do them at some other time. Also, concerning picture 7, I've sent the artist a couple of notes and he hasn't gotten back to me. Yet, at least.

Well that's good news at

Well that's good news at least, if for no other reason then that a talented artist is still around and doing OK... still, I selfishly cross my fingers regarding picture 7.

James S
*Edited accidental 2nd post.

*Edited accidental 2nd post.

mearsob (not verified)
LOL looks like we have

LOL looks like we have something in common ; ). Yes there is a seventh. I didn't want to say that here because I don't have it. When the guy re-gave me the pictures, he left that one out. I guessed he deleted it. Sorry about that ; (l Edit: It's unusual that you would join this site and add this picture as a favorite picture and comment on it right off the bat. You found it that quickly?

Aww that's a shame, but if

Aww that's a shame, but if that's what the artist wanted

mearsob (not verified)
Yes. If I had the seventh

Yes. If I had the seventh picture, I would post it, but when the artist gave me the sequence the second time he did not include it (I had deleted the pictures from my hard drive and the secondary email account I had used to receive the pictures from him the first time, and had asked him to send them again). I'm guessing he deleted the seventh picture out of self-disgust or self-guilt.

I've received messages too anonymously asking me for the seventh picture and the artist's name, privately. I don't like to say it, but I can't provide either. The picture because I don't have it and the name of the artist because I choose to respect his anonymity. Until he resurfaces, if he does, we'll just have to hope... and wait.

mearsob (not verified)
BTW, Carnatic, I'm looking

BTW, Carnatic, I'm looking forward to your next piece. Care to do a commission for me???

What happened in the seventh

What happened in the seventh picture? I guess you've tried undelete software.

I apologise I'm not in any kind of mental state to do commissions right now, I can't even say if there will be a next piece.

mearsob (not verified)
That's fine. The seventh

That's fine. The seventh picture was an explosion. The high heels and belt buckle fly towards the screen and white tatters of shirt and pieces of blue jeans are floating around. The center of it says "KA-POP!" and the picture was mostly orange, red, yellow BANG colors in terms of background. So it was kind of a cartoony explosion with everything coming out from the middle.

Tell you what though, I haven't heard of undelete software, so I could look it up and see if I can... "undelete" the pictures. I expect the worst, but if I find anything I'll post it up immediately.

LutherVKane's picture
I recommend Recuva. It helped

I recommend Recuva. It helped me out a couple of years back after a disk scanner helpfully deleted several thousand alleegedly corrupt files.

mearsob (not verified)
lol. I downloaded Recuva

lol. I downloaded Recuva earlier. I found 93,000 deleted images, searched the name, files too corrupted to recover perfectly. Too bad. I think we should pray for a miracle and wait -_-

lol. Did you know Party Girl 6 is the first image to come up when you search "body inflation" in google images? Just need to find the last piece of the puzzle!

I'm heartened to know she

I'm heartened to know she explodes... Sounds like my kind of explosion too.

mearsob (not verified)
God if you could see it. It's

God if you could see it. It's a pretty good explosion. I'm hoping that the artist posts something soon!

Haha, such a tease! I will

Haha, such a tease! I will make a sacrifice to the God of inflation tonight.

mearsob (not verified)
lol. Don't sacrifice any

lol. Don't sacrifice any goats.

If the artist didn't send you

If the artist didn't send you it because presumably he wasn't really happy with popping, then we may have to accept he's also deleted it from his own hard drive. Just putting this out there though, could it be possible, if you were originally sent the images via email, that they're still lurking around somewhere as attachments to an old email.


mearsob (not verified)
See that's the thing. Now,

See that's the thing. Now, they could well be attachments to an old email on the guy's account. HOWEVER it's impossible for that to be the case on my end. As I said, or tried to, I deleted that entire email account of mine. It was a secret one that I had created for stuff like this and I decided to delete it. As for why I deleted it, it's because those commissioned pics were of Alexa (a real person) as shown by the initials "A P" and I wanted to forget about her and stop thinking about her etc. When I delete stuff, I do it thoroughly. Then I regret it >_<

mearsob (not verified)
Speaking of regretting

Speaking of regretting things, I probably came across a little ? in that one, so...

hope all is well.... I usually post things then regret it.

James S
I had seen it, and created an

I had seen it, and created an account just to rate it and comment on it.


mearsob (not verified)
You must have liked it very

You must have liked it very much. Well, I don't blame you, it is pretty great.

James S
AMAZING!!! Best sequence in

AMAZING!!! Best sequence in history! Is there a 7ht???

Outstanding sequence! XD

Outstanding sequence! XD

Flawless Victory

mearsob (not verified)
*accidental double post that

*accidental double post that has been edited, do not know how to delete*

mearsob (not verified)
Okay guys, well I've done it

Okay guys, well I've done it -- I've emailed the great and powerful Oz and perhaps he will resurface shortly. Glory be to god in the highest! -- Oliver

This is excellent, pass my

This is excellent, pass my compliments on to the artist will you :)

My imagination has filled in how this sequence ends up

i am a huge fan of your

i am a huge fan of your stories like remotes and will there be another?

i think ive seen some of this

i think ive seen some of this persons other work but i cant remember from where. either way, tell that person i like it a lot and would love to see more. even another addition to this would be nice :)

mearsob (not verified)
That is tricky -- the artist

That is tricky -- the artist has gone under the radar and I think he would prefer to be there. -- Oliver

Sergy92's picture
I liked it. Are you sure you

I liked it. Are you sure you don't want to tell us the artist?