Which do you prefer? Mass Rps? Or Private Rps?

Mass Rp's
5% (1 vote)
Private Rp's
47% (9 votes)
47% (9 votes)
Total votes: 19
doubleintegral's picture

I've never tried a mass inflation but I don't think I'd like it.  More often than not everyone has such specific tastes when it comes to inflation that I think it would be hard to please everyone involved.  Maybe I just don't have a good understanding of how it works, though.

CorpulentArtifice's picture

I like both for different reasons.  With group RP's, as long as it's relatively free-form, it's a great way to experiment with different things - I tend to be more open to things in a group because it's just for fun.  For really in-depth, detailed, intimate RP's, though, I'd rather have it be private.

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo