...OK, please don't send me messages telling me I'm a pervert, cuz I already know it! LOL No, really, don't send me mean mail for bringing this up. lol
OK, now I don't see alot of talk about how this fetish/activity um...how do I say this?....how this fetish can lead to sexual arrousal....cringing... lol I just don't know if we're allowed to talk about this in the sexual content? But Im literally asking...anyone know of any dvds I could buy online about this fetish? Better yet, movies of stuffing/inflating leading to sexual activity? I know it sounds weird, but I just wanna know why I haven't been able to find anything on it. Is it really that new? Or is this maybe considered a rare interest? I would really just like some dvds that I can just pop in, rather than having to go online, to a site, find the clip, wait for my computer to buffer lol....you get the picture!
Oh, along the same vein...am also interested in movies about male saline scrotal/injection...or anime of genetailia inflation?
Thanks for any ideas you have. If you feel better sending me a message rather than responding to this thread, that's fine too. Thank you
I think inflation is too "nichey" for any substantial product.