making yourself bigger

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making yourself bigger

Do you keep inflating to the same size everytime and very slowly getting bigger each time, or do you have other methods?


im not sure how it works for other methods of inflation but i know if works when i inflate with a bike pump. I start off by slowly inflating myself like normal, then over a long period of time slowly keep pumping myself up (it probably works best with a bike pump because you can really controll how much air you're pumping in) i feel like this stretches me, allowing me to get much bigger than i did the time before.


yes its time consuming, but i find it works really well and im now able to inflate HUGE compared to when i started :D



I seemed to only manage a few pump's bug try the odd extra when i inflate :)


Not to sound rude I understand it's a turn on but does it add to the climax or is it purely just a thrill?


Bit of both for me really ! :)


definnatley both for me. the bigger i am, the mroe turned on i am and the better the climax :P plus i remeber reading somewhere that when your inflated (for some reason that i cant remember) everything feels alot more pleasureable. something to do with nerves

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

It's actually the opposite for me. It's like I notice it, but when I ejaculate it's never pleasurable. That's just me though.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Iv'e heard that too sure does make the climax better :)

BalloonInflator's picture

Out of curiosity, what size do you start from and how big do you get like this? How long did it take you to get as big as you do now?

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


Ive never actually measure myself from start to finish, I shall do next time though. It probably takes about 5-10 mins to get to ny size now but that is because I like to do it slowly

BalloonInflator's picture

I sure would appreciate it :)

That's pretty fast. It usually takes me 20 mins to start getting that tight, full feeling. I use an aquarium pump mostly, so maybe that has something to do with it.

What I really meant though was how long did it take you from when you started to be able to get as big as you do. Like months? Years?

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


 well I started off using an air pump and I used that for about 2 or3 years but didnt really get any real noticable big inflations from it. Then I bought a bike pump about 4-5 months ago and have been inflating atleast once a day for the past 4-5 months and this has really helped me balloon up bigger, alot bigger than before

BalloonInflator's picture

Hmm, I guess I should go out and get a bike pump then. Thanks for the tip!

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


no problem


inflated today, and i went from being 34 inches to 40-41 inches :)

BalloonInflator's picture

Oh wow! That's pretty impressive growth! I'm waiting 'til I have the opportunity to get some kind of hand pump to really try and get big. I'll let you know how it goes!

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


Ill be looking forward to hearing :) just so you know I inflate atleast once a day, sometimes on the weekends and stuff ill inflate myself up to 6 times a day if ive got nothing going on :P