Okay... ummmm... and what if we don't stop inflating?
Real-life Inflation Majicks!
In response to a thread in the general discussion board, which linked to a site advertising "real" magical spells, I took it upon myself to write a magic inflation spell, based on "real" modern witchcraft, that didn't totally suck/actually makes sense in terms of how the spell is cast and what it's supposed to do.
Seriously, someone explain what salty rock water has to do with balloons. I am 100% all ears.
The following spell is meant for fictitious use (e.g. an inflation fic, a video intro, etc.) only. Feel free to attempt at home, but don't expect much by way of results. (That being said, if you do attempt at home and DO actually inflate, record what changes you made and exactly how you performed the spell, because I, the spell's original author, would very much like to know how you did it.)
This spell is free for anyone to reference in any original medium, provided that proper credit is attributed.
The spell itself:
Fill a balloon with air (or water, if that's what stirs your beast) and pinch off the end so none escapes - don't tie it off, just hold it closed. Caress the balloon in a sufficiently creepy/mystical/erotic way (whatever you feel like doing - be your own special self!) and recite the following:
"Stretchy like rubber, round like a ball,
vast like the cosmos encircling all,
Let me grow bigger, my skin smooth and tight,
and let this spell last me the rest of the night.
Fill me to the brim, but spare me the worst-
Though I shall inflate, I never shall burst!"
Inhale the balloon's contents (unless you used water, in which case you should swallow it instead - you can swallow air as well, but 9/10 witches recommend against attempting to inhale water). If performed correctly, you should immediately begin to fill with air (or water) until inflated to a round state.
In that event, contact the Body Inflation Helpline and follow the prompts for further instructions. Please note that live operators are only available Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8 am and 5 pm, Eastern Standard Time.
Nice spell. But I'm fairly certain that the balloon isn't necessary… Wouldn't any kind of airtight vessel be useable? And if that were the case you could technically use another person… Neato! =P
Any airtight container would work as long as it expands when air is being added - the idea is to incorporate some symbolic action of your intent.
As for using another person - if you've already inflated someone, why are you using this spell? Clearly you have access to a more reliable option!
Well, I just tried this, and now I'm filled to the brim with water. When will this wear off?
A few questions: 1.) Is this gender specific? 2.) When would it wear off, and does the means of inflating (water v air) change how long it lasts?
I wrote a little something with this in it! Hope you enjoy, and thanks for posting the spell. (I gave full credit to you for it. :) ) http://floatinghigh.deviantart.com/art/The-Spell-529637973?ga_submit_new=10%253A1430188850
That was really neat! I'm really tickled someone actually ran with one of my ideas. :3
Sorry for being so late to the party but, does the spell actually work? I mean, I believe it does, but on the other hand it seems kinda crazy that rhyming will inflate a person way beyond their physical limit. I am really interested to try it, but I need to make sure.
Well, Think of it this way.. There is absolutely no actual physical way this could work aside from maybe a placebo effect.
You're more likely to have the entire cast of Firefly get struck by lightning at the same time than for this spell to actually work.
You're more likely to get two million dollars cash on the same day that Christina Hendricks decides that she wants to be your mistress than for this spell to work.
You're more likely to hear me admit that the 1998 Godzilla movie is the peak of film.
No. It doesn't work. There are no shortcuts for inflation, And saying some words won't do anything (even if the rhyme is nice).
So, you're saying there's a chance...
"does this spell actually work"?
Because there are so many that do that you have to differentiate?
Okay... ummmm... and what if we don't stop inflating?