Inflatable legislation

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Inflatable legislation

This topic has some interesting thoughts on legal issues. Worth a separate thread, isn't it? ^_^


Actually, is inflation an offence in inflationary universe?


Say, hey, that guy is looking at me - i just KNOW he wants to POP me! Will that make a case?

Or - say, a child became a blueberry - will Willy Wonka face a charge in his fantasy world?

Or - vice versa - Veronika had enough, brought a dozen kids, they tied poor Wonka and fed him that gum. Will that be an issue?


Imagine one possibility. Popping party is campaigning for legalizing popping because:

1. Everyone has a right to pop without being called suicidal and a whole district rushing to save them.

2. Everyone has a fear of death so there's no need to enforce it legally. Nature will sort out itself.

3. Criminals pop whoever they like anyway. Let's give good guys/girls the right of self-defence.

What would be arguments against it all?


Are there burst sentences?


What kind of cases of inflation, of sexuality, or on the border of inflation and sexuality they will have in court?


Certification is another issue, which is rather clear - so let's keep it aside. Just what deserves a punishment and what doesn't. ^_^


Say,what comes to mind first, is popping a special occasion? And how strict is it if it's spoiled?

Like, I have to be wearing that dress, and have these people around, and it should be in that garden, and in Spring when Sakura blossoms, etc. etc. etc. and I have a whole special occasion planned so if you try to pop me a different way - i'll run away and see you in court.

Will that be an issue?


Also, if there are preparations involved, one would expect some allowance or scholarship. Like, if you plan to pop, you get this amount to organize it all and dress yourself, gather guests, etc. And there just might be some violations - like, hey, we've seen you before! You apply for that money every month while it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience!


Just bring on anything that comes to mind. ^_^ It might be fun to brainstorm inflationary law. ^_^


The first contenental inflation congress is now in session!


A burst for a burst seems fair. And it would still work if it's pop by lethal injection, or rather by lethal needle. Or simply "injecting" helium or another liquid or fluid until the convict bursts.

It would make for a pretty amusing story, about life, burst and the after-burst. Is there reincarnation (or rather, re-inflation) ect ect.


After-burst morphology? Like, a ghost of Obiwan Kenobi? Go to Dagobah, Luke! ^_^ Something like that would fit into oriental setting. Say, if you imagine a Kekuja (a clan member living by Kekuju Jindai), especially Hogosya (Guardian), who pop - they might become 天破れ (Tenyare), if the level is high enough. But bah, that's just a spirit, she won't care about legality of her... whatever she does.


What's sure about legal aspects of after-burst - is that DNA of the victim is in it's every tatter, and DNA of the killer is in every fingerprint or kiss on those tatters. Besides, recordings of all kinds of smart devices - at least a blowoff/lens/belt/earring/pill/etc video log. So police will have material to work with, that's for sure. Not to mention, if it's an inflatics pro who is murdered this way - live online translation will be in the internet at once ^_^ and might even prevent the murder. ^_^


Also, to revive it a bit...


Imagine a country where a Popping party has won - they legalized popping.


Will that lead to licenses on inflation - just like in those countries where owning weapons became legal it led to strict licensing of them?


A license to pop... now there's an idea. Inflation clinics, even popping clinics. I need to get me a job in a place like that...


Lol I would totally buy one of those places.


Imagine having the job to assist inflatable girls in being popped...