blowup_boy, squeaklatex contact

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blowup_boy, squeaklatex contact

Sorry for the inconvenience but I've tried contacting blowup_boy (squeaklatex) about 2 latex suits for the last 3 weeks on 2 different emails 3 emails in total.

I have also messaged him about a week ago on here to no avail.

Would someone please clarify if he's MIA or why he has not been responding to emails or the like even tough he has been posting on twitter.

Thanks latexhazmat.


I too tried to contact him a few months ago when he posted to email if you want to make a suit. but the same I got no replys, I also tried from 3 email accounts and a few different days. But got nothin. I also wasn't going to be scimpy on the money but what can you do if theres no answer??



sorry I can't help, but my vote goes to, either to busy from other work to MIA and just doesnt want to deal with the customers anymore.


anyone else post if you had a similar experiance 


I too tried to contact him a few months ago when he posted to email if you want to make a suit. but the same I got no replys, I also tried from 3 email accounts and a few different days. But got nothin. I also wasn't going to be scimpy on the money but what can you do if theres no answer??



sorry I can't help, but my vote goes to, either to busy from other work to MIA and just doesnt want to deal with the customers anymore.


anyone else post if you had a similar experiance 


I really hope he's not falling back into his old habits, given the site recently announced a "return" after a year on hiatus.  Communication is key when it comes to the customer.  His company has delivered in the past, and they did not disappoint.


What are his "old habits"


I've tried contacting him by various sources for over 6 months now about a suit I actually paid for and was completed well over a year ago with no luck.  It was shipped to my address and everything but regrettably I wasn't there at the time(took literally around 6 to 8 months to make it in the first place) and it got shipped back.  Ever since then I haven't been able to get ahold of him, I even offered on multiple occasions to pay for the shipping again with no worries, but nothing :(


wow that is messed up, I'd still be mad about that



blowup_boy's picture

Hey everyone,

Yes yes, I haven't been responding to emails. There are quite literately over 100 unread new emails. This isn't because I don't want the business, far from it. I'm doing my best to bring Squeak back after supplier issues and down time for over a year.

However, i'm simply focusing on old outstanding orders and customers. Including some custom suits for our members. Danielsangeo's custom suit was sent off today. I'm pretty sure a blueberry suit and some huge inflatable suits are for some members here.

Regarding your suit curse_one I still have it sitting here waiting for you. In my records the last email I have from you was the end of last year. It is possible emails were pushed to spam and deleted, but I assure you there is no ill doing here. As you said, I did try to ship the item once before and it was returned. I am traveling to the USA in a few weeks time. I'll put it on my luggage and ship it from within the USA. That way there should be fewer issues and a cheaper reshipping rate for you. I apologise for not chasing this up with you sooner.

As for Latexhazmat, we've had a few enquiries recently regarding latex hazmat suits. So I'm unsure which one of them is yours exactly. However I did have a conversation with someone asking about a new design. At this stage we are not producing custom or new designs, they simply take up far to much time and is something we can't spare at the moment. We can only offer what has already been produced, with some minor changes if need me (Large arms, legs, belly etc) All with in reason. But a complete new design or pattern just isn't on the table. If you were simply enquiring about the latex suits we've produced in the past, then you'll no doubt fall in the new enquiry section which hasn't been touched, but will be in the coming weeks.

Unfortunately with how many enquiries we get a day, it's really hard to determine which are people ready to place and order and purchase and which are just curious people or as harsh as it is time wasters. I've spent so much time back and forth with customers only to have them tell me. Oh i'm 16 and don't have any money. It's very frustrating.

I've put an incredible amount of time into this company for the community. I could of let it die last year when I had supplier issues, but I reinvested more finances into bringing it back. I wish I could devote more time to it, but I am only one man. Perhaps I need an inflated sectary to keep on top of my emails. ;)


I'm doing my best guys, once old orders are caught up and time is available to catch up on emails and new orders. It should all go far smoother. I may of missed out on a ton of new business over the past few months, but that's business. I don't want to upset old customers who have already paid and waited for an order.


Thank you all for the support and understanding. I'll get you all puffy in no time!

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!


I sent you an email and a message on here, just let me know if you got them there, thanks!

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Man, all the more reason I wish I could support you. I really would like to try the suit on at least to get a feel of what it is like, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon I dont think.

And I do wish I could support you financially, but I just turned 21 and I have a few responsibilities I have to put first like a car and savings.

I really wish I could help you out and if I reach a financial opportunity, you'll be the first I go too, but right now it would be hugely irresponsible, and I am sorry I can't help you with your business right now.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Awesome, thanks for responding here squeak, I actually moved since the last time so I'll need to email you my new address here, I greatly appreciate you flying all the way over to the USA with it :)


Danielsangeo's custom suit was sent off today.

Ooh!  I'm so excited!  And I just can't hide it!  :D

Can you email me tracking info if you have any?  Thanks so much!  :D

blowup_boy's picture

If people are curious about Dan's design. Here it is here.

Inflatable pregnancy suit!

Each chamber is seperatly inflated for full control on which part inflates when and how big.

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!


This is probably none of my business and all, but is a new blueberry suit is being sent to Taylormadeclips?

blowup_boy's picture

No, in fact when they ordered the blueberry ball quite some time ago, they cancelled their second order of one of my other inflatable suits. (Huge one i think).

I haven't heard from them since. Around a year and a half, two years ago? Did they pop their Blueberry suit did they? I'm certainlly happy to supply them another one, or anything for that matter if they place another order. :)

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!


That's strange cause Taylor has stated that they are waiting for the new blueberry suit to arrive to do new clips.  I'm wondering if they ordered a different suit from a different company.  I sure hope not as your blueberry ball suit is the cream of the crop.

blowup_boy's picture

I tell you what, i'll be super pissed of if she's gone and had my patterns and designed copied by another supplier. They wouldn't be the first person to do that to me. It's a shame when people do that to the community.

Ah well, she'll keep making money of you guys regardless.

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!


Everytime I watch a suit preview clip from Taylor, a LatexCatfish logo appears either at the beginning, or end. Including the blueberry suit videos. Hopefully it's not what you said, & what I'm thinking.

blowup_boy's picture

If they're recent videos, then yes. They've done exactly that. It's disapointing....

Latex catfish have ripped off and stolen a number of my designs as well as many other latex suppliers. It's a shame to see Taylor supporting these knock offs to save a couple of bucks, rather than support the community who purchases her videos.

As I said, I know you guys are not going to boycott her stuff or stop buying it just because of this. But, a few emails to them wouldn't go astray either.

I just had a look and their blueberry ball is mishappen and lack luster, no where near as full or round as mine. I'll be pissed if they're using my blueberry jacket of the catfish ball, but hopefully they're not.

I thank you for supporting me everyone, it's companies like catfish and other chinese knock of companies that destory small niche businesses like mine. Unfortunatly, it's not the knock of companies creating them just for the sake of it. It comes from those in the community asking for cheaper/stolen designs to be built. 

I'll just keep doing what i'm doing. Once again thank you to those who support Squeak! ^__^

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!


Thanks so much for the tracking number! I can't wait for it to get here!  I'll show it off when I can.  :)

AshyPie's picture

These suits are hella expensive aren't they? That must mean you're making quite the profit. (I'm not calling you greedy… That's just how it works…) If having a secretary to keep things organized couldnt you do this full time? Can I be your secretary? (And if your profits raise high enough. Could I be a secretary full time?)

I'm a pretty kitty~

blowup_boy's picture

Actually i've done my best to keep the costs as low as possible without skimping on build or latex quality. My latex supplier even upped their costs a great deal recently, however I simply let it eat more into the profits. I don't make a huge deal from the business.

But it is that, business and is how I earn a living. I'm not going to give these away for cost or free. A great deal of time goes into sourcing, supplying and designing the pattern work for these suits. I feel terrible when I get folks like yourself or teenages saying my suits are too expensive. I assure you, to anyone working a normal job, with a fairly average or low income, the suits don't cost all that much. I've seen people spend more on a weekend away.

I really am trying my best with Squeak. It's hard running a business on your own and as more emails come in, it's all a juggling act. I'm sure it will start to flow better once back orders are made and new orders simply come rolling in. Also, I plan on having a new website rebuilt with a shopping cart system, making it easy to order. Should cut down on a lot of back and forth email.

Also, I think next year I may have a competition and give away a blueberry ball to a lucky winner here at BI. I think it's the least I can do for the support everyone has shown me here.

Thank you to everyone, really trying not to be slow to respond to stuff.


Stay squeaky!

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!

TayvaRP's picture

Well when I stop being a poor student, I would love to support your business (either when I finally get a decent job, or if I can ever raise the funds through my YouTube channel). I would love to be able to help with a website redesign if I could too (since it's what I'm going to school for), though I'm still learning.

AshyPie's picture

Well geez… I understand all that. I'm sure your not making tons of money off every person you sell to and I also know a couple thousand dollars isn't that much money but if you made 400$ per customer and did two suits a week that'd be about 3200$ profit a month. And that's almost rent right there. If you had someone to keep things nice and tidy you could make a monopoly out of this easily. You don't at the moment have very much competition and as far as I know there are no assembly line suits being shipped so how fast you can afford to make suits is pretty much the only factor for how successful you'll be.

I'm a pretty kitty~

deleted_20180328 (not verified)

Ashy.  I used to run a rubber store. The profits aren't anywhere near $400 a suit. 

deleted_20180328 (not verified)

Ashy.  I used to run a rubber store. The profits aren't anywhere near $400 a suit. 

AshyPie's picture

Well… Looks like I'm the asshole! =P

I'm a pretty kitty~


Please let me express my gratitude to a person who actually does production of material goods.

I'm terrible at selling - and certainly won't risk a huge amount of my money any production line would require. My estimation - it would take my salary for several months if not for a year to organize something like you did twice - without any guarantee of return. Besides my modest experience as internet-shop of sweets tells me selling, advertising and managing aren't my skills.

That's why I didn't have the courage to do anything material - only program a game instead. That's why I won't have the courage to sell it - it will freeware.

Sir, I'm really delighted there are people like you in the community.


I reviewed the clips I have and Taylor editor had placed the Sqeaklatex logo in all but 3 of the vids.  I'm blameing the clip editor on it, ALL of the other clips I have with the berryball have the SqeakLatex logo.

I have no idea where the suit used in the last 2 vids was procured but Taylor stated it was so poorly made she's not using it again, she is waiting for the new berry suit from whoever has made it.

Doing a search for Squeaklatex on TMC does not pull ALL the vids the berrysuit was used in.



I sent a couple messages but never heard anything back and I'm not sure how else to get in touch, did you ever get a chance to ship mine there?


Just checking if you've had a chance to ship it there yet squeak, I sent an email a little while ago and never heard anything back, figure this seems to be the best place to contact you.

blowup_boy's picture

Yep, I have already sent it out.

Sorry, in the middle of travel almost back home and settled. I'll take a snap of the tracking and email it to you. Have fun being a human balloon! ^__^

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!