Seeking RP Partners For Long Literate RPs

I am seeking other roleplayers who wouldn't mind doing stretched out RPs with me. I've been finding myself becoming uninspired by writing short posts when doing a scenario, and so I decided to try to add to my contacts a few people who are capable of writing 2-3 paragraph responses when working on a story.

My preferences include full body, semi-berrification (bothered by colour change for some reason, but like the rest of it), and belly. Any substance and method is fine, so long as it isn't overly sexual in nature. I would also like to avoid popping, as that's another area that bothers me.

If you feel up to the challenge, please send me a message or add me on Yahoo!

Past The Threshold

Aww... a long-post RP sounds great, but our interests are almost the opposite...  oh, well.  Good luck finding a partner to have fun with!

doubleintegral's picture

PM sent.

AshyPie's picture

I'd love to help you but I don't think I'm the kind of person your looking for…

I'm a pretty kitty~