Been a long time comrades

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Been a long time comrades

Hey there, long time no speak.
It's been a good long while since I've visited and I've certainly missed it. :'(

Life is a real pain in the backside sometimes and has come between myself and a lot of the creative work I used to enjoy doing. Art slumped and various video endavours had to be silenced due to personal issues and local 'bullying'.
I also apologise for removing my inflation artwork from Facebook, we didn't see eye-to-eye on that one and it really wasn't their bag.

However I'm back, for good, and I have a lot of new stuff to share with the community. :D

I will now be posting under the name 'Inflation Gamer' and have a new Youtube channel for anybody that's curious. ;)

Also please consider supporting me at Patreon and I'll be able to create some really special inflation shorts for the community. 


I won't pretend I understood every vague hint. Still, shout out if you need help - that's what communities are for, right?

All the luck and success in the real world, mate! Lovely nick, Jamie - and looking forward to more of your great art!


Dizzibelle's picture

Welcome back honey ^.^

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Welcome back, and I'm sorry people in your life werent understanding before, or perhaps even now.

I'm curious, do you practice body inflation orally or anally? I'm not looking to see any video's (I don't want to objectify you), but I'm curious if you do that or have tried that at all.

Good luck with future endeavors!

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

jonathan856's picture

welcome back.
I know about real world problems.
I haven't even had much time to look at art lately.
Iv seen enough of Your work to know Your very smart.
Your a popular artiest.
You might try asking Your fans to do stuff.
like take some good advice.
“stay away from credit cards so you have more $ for the artiest”.
Iv made a favorites list for good advice on DA.
live long and prosper :)

living in a way that is too safe is a fate worse than death.if a person never takes a risk then they never lived at all! the freedom of speech is the freedom to resolve all problems & differences without violence.