Update: How many of us inflate IRL, and if not, what is your favourite thing to do with inflation?

I inflate my body, either orally or anally
53% (31 votes)
I prefer to fantasize about inflation
46% (27 votes)
I don't practice in, or fantasize about inflation
2% (1 vote)
Total votes: 59
Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Hello again everyone, I wanted to do an update on our current members of the forum and get opinions about what kind of inflation is prefered.

In the next couple of weeks I'd like to start some more polls to increase interactivity in the site. For now, lets do a headcount (either anonymously or posted in the comments below) on where we stand. 
Do you practice real world inflation on your body?

Do you prefer to fantasize about it?

Do you stuff your clothes or wear inflatable suits?

I wanna hear answers people! Where do you stand on it? 

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


It's the exchange of ideas I find amazing. Every head counts anyway. And, IRL looks like URL (unreal life?). I do URL then.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Alright, we got 11 votes in 24 hours! I'm liking these numbers people, keep it up :D ! Let's see how many more we can add to this list, eh?

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


I tend to stick with fantasy. I roleplay and look at inflation art to enjoy the fetish, quite frequently actually. I'm open to the concept of real life inflation and I'll probably experiment a lot more than I ever have, though I've never actually inflated for reals before. It sounds better than just stuffing my clothes all the time or having an inflator digitally blow me up every night during roleplay.

And why does the site suddenly seem so quiet? When I joined the site in August, the forums were bursting with activity.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

That's a good question, and while I had checked a few times before in the past, I only joined in the last month or so. I'm hoping that by creating polls and trying to get people more interactive I can bring more....energy to the site.

Now, I'm not saying it's the Moderators fault that it's low, I think he's doing a great job. I'm just hoping I can get this place bustlin' a bit more, so that we can grow as a community.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


It kinda goes in cycles. In recent years I think part of that has been to do with many of the members being of college/university age, so it goes quiet at the times of the year when they're more likely to be busy studying. But also these things tend to look like a positive feedback loop, where the quieter it gets the less people are inclined to contribute.

A good few years ago now, if my memory isn't being biased, I'm sure we went through a spell when it was much busier than it has ever been since. There were lots of good constructive topics too, and back then I was checking in much more often and taking the time to write more because it seemed like such a vibrant community.

Since then we seem to have gone through more quiet spells, or spells where the quality of discussion doesn't seem to great (people just asking for RP partners, tips on RL inflation, or asking why [insert obscure anime character here] hasn't featured in an inflation drawing yet), and myself and perhaps others felt less bothered to check and contribute to the site. If that's the case, about the feedback loop, then threads such as this might get things going in the right direction again.


It kinda goes in cycles. In recent years I think part of that has been to do with many of the members being of college/university age, so it goes quiet at the times of the year when they're more likely to be busy studying. But also these things tend to look like a positive feedback loop, where the quieter it gets the less people are inclined to contribute.

A good few years ago now, if my memory isn't being biased, I'm sure we went through a spell when it was much busier than it has ever been since. There were lots of good constructive topics too, and back then I was checking in much more often and taking the time to write more because it seemed like such a vibrant community.

Since then we seem to have gone through more quiet spells, or spells where the quality of discussion doesn't seem to great (people just asking for RP partners, tips on RL inflation, or asking why [insert obscure anime character here] hasn't featured in an inflation drawing yet), and myself and perhaps others felt less bothered to check and contribute to the site. If that's the case, about the feedback loop, then threads such as this might get things going in the right direction again.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Yeah, I have to agree with you on that, especially on the quality of the discussions bit (no offence to anyone). I do want to get people interested, at least more so in the site so that we can conversate more and kinda treat it like a hub where people engage in converstations about the topic (sometimes even non-BI related stuff), and not just a site for a few obscure topics.
I like this site, and I haven't found one like it (that corelates to this fetish anyways). I don't want it to be some lowly site where a few people come by, I want it to be busy with activity and very sociable. So, hopefully with threads like these I can get more people active on here. 

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


I'm into fantasy inflation. I like to read stories, view artwork and also view photographs and videos where an actress/model uses balloons-suits to give the impression of inflating, but it's not suit inflation I'm into, in my head it's always the girl herself that's inflating to huge proportions as though she were like a balloon. Most of all though, I like to role-play using internet chat. I don't stuff clothes or use suits or anything, since I'm neither into self-inflation or male-inflation as a whole.

I've always viewed real-life inflation as a very different fetish, although I know some people have both. Like when someone does real-life inflation and puts a video up, to my eyes there really isn't very much to see in it, just a slight bulge maybe. Maybe they're more into how it feels than how it looks, I don't know, I'm very different. My fantasies are for much bigger inflation, not totally spherical though, still with a feminine body,... and popping. The fact there's no real-life variant of what I'm into doesn't bother me (certainly it doesn't concern me that people can't really be popped, that would be very painful for the person involved, and also murder!), although it would be nice if virtual reality technology improved to the level it is in the Matrix, where you could enter this world and do anything.

I'm curious as to why there is an option in the poll for neither fantasising or practicing inflation... and even more curious that someone selected it. If they aren't just joking then what on earth are they doing on a website devoted to something they wish to neither do, nor think about doing.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I never really thought of real-life inflation being a different fetish, but it makes complete sense. I think its more for the feels, and slightly for the look, as it is physically impossible to inflate to those giant sizes that you can portray in fantasy. Personally, I would love to be able to do that, but I understand reality, and I'm quite alright with it.

Also, for the option on the final pole, I was putting that there if say someone came by the site and was somewhat curious to know about it (doctor, scientist, average person, ETC....), but didn't necessarily take it as a fetish.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


I did real life inflation on myself for about thirty years but have now stopped because I don't want to "ruin" this newly feminised body and it was partly to compensate for pregnancy envy as symbolic of femaleness, which I feel less need to do now since I now have more appropriate body features and can now handle it more easily.  I always found it difficult to tell how accurate my perception of how big I got was.


I still fantasise, so yes I suppose I do prefer fantasising nowadays. It's also not very "ladylike" (sorry) to go around farting and burping a lot and having a bloated belly draws unwanted attention when I'm trying to blend in.

Yes I used to stuff but it was about twenty-five years ago now.



GiftedShana's picture

I've been into this fetish for over a decade, and for the most part, it was just to fantasize and engage in roleplay. My hopes were to give myself more imagination fuel over time. It was honestly the longest time before I opened up to anyone in the community, and from then it's when my likes in RP really expanded. I can say now that I'm into a great more than I was 8 years ago, but that can go without saying.

As of the last two years, I'm tried real inflation, alternating between a ball pump and a low psi compressor. To much of my happyness, I'm finally getting to that point in which I can actually feel I'm getting bigger once I start to reach my fullness. I'm inflating every other two or three days, and that type of schedule is allowing me to stretch and recover between sessions. I know I won't ever become as large as OnceDeli, but hey, I can dream.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.


Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Alright, we got some fantastic answers so far everyone! I have just created a new poll based on the winners (the others will get one soon, don't worry), but please feel free to continue adding to this!

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