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BalloonInflator's picture
How Deep?

Anal air inflation with an aquarium pump/hose.

I'm wondering how deep I can push the hose inside.
A few inches does the job, of course, but what I'd really like to know is if deeper makes a difference. Can I inflate faster? Does it feel better? Less cramps?
How deep is too deep? I know those cameras they use for colonoscopies go pretty damn far, so there must be a safe limit there.
Has anyone tried pushing the hose really deep? What dangers should I be aware of?
Any advice is welcome.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

This is a good question actually. The straight answer: No, you should not. Technically you might be able to, but you have a very high chance of perforation (bascially making a hole or a weak spot in the colon).

Now, what I have looked a bit into is something called a colon tube, which is specifically used for enema's and I am told it helps with less cramps because the colon tube ends up delivering the enema mixture into your large intestines, rather than your rectum. It's also a lot softer and more flexible, so if it pokes against a wall, there's less chance of perforation and/or damage. I am told there is also less cramping as the water doesnt have to build up in the rectum and then flow to the intestines, rather, the intestines takes the majority of the flow and the rectum stays much more undisturbed.

However, I have only heard of them being used for water enema methods, so I dont know about air right now. I will try to look into it as see what I can find out, but for the most part, just keep the aqaurium pump at like, an inch max. You really dont need all of the extra inches in there, it risks bumping into the walls.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

BalloonInflator's picture

Thanks for the reply! I looked into the colon tube as well, and it seems like the solution I was hoping for...if I were to do water inflations, that is.
I haven't tried them a lot, what with people going on about "water intoxication", death, and what have you. I've always been a little apprehensive with doing water mostly because of the mess that eventually ensues, which often constrains my activity to the bathroom, which is shared space in my situation.
However, this could actually sway me to try it again. I've read about how to stay safe, and I've sorta had an inkling to give it a go, but this might actually work.

Anyway, the whole idea was that one: I wanted less cramps, and two: I like how it feels to have something really deep. It just made sense that I could combine the deep penetration with inflation.

Once more, thanks, and if anyone else has other suggestions, I'm happy to hear them.
Feel free to send me a message as well!

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

First off, your welcome! Glad I can help out!

Second, the thing I find is that, yes, you generally will get water intoxication to some degree if you do not make the water isotonic! This basically means that the water matches the same salt gradient as the body, so that you do not absorb any more water in the body with an enema. How do you make it isotonic? Simple, just add one teaspoon of salt for each litre of water (it's best to use sea salt, as table salt contains iodine that might leech into your body. It probably isn't an issue, but I don't know much about the long term effects of that, and that is what I've always been reccomended).

Honestly, I think it's very smart to use a colon tube as I keep hearing how much people reccomend it, apparently a lot of the cramping is removed in the process (at least at lesser amounts). Just make sure you read how to use it, sterilize, and all that jazz about safe handling, and if you try it, best of luck. Please send me a PM if you give it a shot, because I don't know how lax the forums are about enema procedures, if you don't mind that is.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)